
gorm inspired helper library for dynamodb

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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ddb is a high level library for accessing DynamoDB.


type Example struct {
  PlayerID string `ddb:"hash"`
  Date     string `ddb:"range"`

func example() {
  var (
    ctx       = context.Background()
    s         = session.Must(session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig()))
    api       = dynamodb.New(s)
    tableName = "examples"
    model     = Example{}
    db        = ddb.New(api)
  table := db.MustTable(tableName, model)
  err := table.CreateTableIfNotExists(ctx)
  // handle err ...
  record := Example {
    PlayerID: "abc",
    Date:     "2019-01-01",
  err = table.Put(record).RunWithContext(ctx) 
  // handle err ...
  var got Example
  err = table.Get(String(record.PlayerID)). // with hash key
    Range(String(record.Date)).             // and range key 
    ScanWithContext(ctx, &got)
  // handle err ...
  err = table.DeleteTableIfExists(ctx)
  // handle err ...


ddb leverages the the github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go package for encoding and decoding DynamoDB records to and from structs.

  • Use dynamodbav tag option for encoding information
  • Use ddb tag option to provide meta data about table
  • Use ; to separate multiple tag options within a tag e.g. a;b;c

Hash Key

Use the hash tag to define the hash (e.g. partition) key.

type Example struct {
  ID string `ddb:"hash"`

Range Key

Use the range tag to define the range (e.g. sort) key.

type Example struct {
  ID   string `ddb:"hash"`
  Date string `ddb:"range"`

Local Secondary Indexes (LSI)

To setup local secondary indexes, use the following tags:

  • lsi_range:{index-name} define the range (e.g. sort) key of the LSI
  • lsi_range:{index-name},keys_only - same as above, but indicate LSI should contains KEYS_ONLY
  • lsi:{index-name} include specific attribute within the LSI

In this example, we define a local secondary index with index name, blah, whose range key is Alt that includes Field1.

type Example struct {
  ID     string `ddb:"hash"`
  Date   string `ddb:"range"`
  Alt    string `ddb:"lsi_range:blah"`
  Field1 string `ddb:"lsi:blah"`
  Field2 string

Global Secondary Indexes (GSI)

To setup global secondary indexes, use the following tags:

  • gsi_hash:{index-name} define the hash (e.g. partition) key of the GSI
  • gsi_range:{index-name} define the range (e.g. sort) key of the GSI
  • gsi_range:{index-name},keys_only - same as above, but indicate GSI should contains KEYS_ONLY
  • gsi:{index-name} include specific attribute within the GSI

In this example, we define a global secondary index with index name, blah, whose hash key is VerifiedAt and whose range key is ID.

type Example struct {
  ID         string `ddb:"hash;gsi_range:blah"`
  Date       string `ddb:"range"`
  VerifiedAt int64  `ddb:"gsi_hash:blah"`

Using dynamodbav to specify attribute values

This example illustrates using the dynamodbav in conjunction with the ddb to define the schema. Here the hash key of the table will be set to id (not ID)

type Example struct {
  ID string `ddb:"hash" dynamodbav:"id"`