
Proof of concept for the Hydra Head protocol :construction_worker:

Primary LanguageHaskellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🚧 Hydra Proof of Concept (POC) 🚧

A home to our colorful experiments and prototypes.

⚠️ Disclaimer

This is prototypical and exploratory work shared here for your interest. Although we might create a prototype for a hydra-node in here, some experiments have not a clear goal or usage in mind. We do not provide documentation or support for the artifacts created here by purpose as we also intend to throw away / discontinue use when we start building the final product. Please note the code quality seen around here is not representative of our best practices and you will find many code smells and dirtyhacks. Thanks for visiting and enjoy!

👷‍♂️ Development

We provide a shell.nix to set up a development environment. So a simple call to nix-shell should put everything in place for building, testing and general development.

Make sure the following caches are listed in your nix.conf for a speedy setup:

substituters = https://cache.nixos.org https://iohk.cachix.org https://hydra.iohk.io
trusted-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= iohk.cachix.org-1:DpRUyj7h7V830dp/i6Nti+NEO2/nhblbov/8MW7Rqoo= hydra.iohk.io:f/Ea+s+dFdN+3Y/G+FDgSq+a5NEWhJGzdjvKNGv0/EQ=

Also, some of us use direnv and nix-direnv to automatically import the nix-shell environment into our favorite shell or editor.

Building & Testing

Within the nix-shell, cabal build and cabal test should work as expected.

You can also use nix-build to build the project and all its executables. You will find them in result/bin/ after the build.

Updating nix materialization

We rely on haskell.nix's "materialization" to not needing to create cabal build plans on every invocation of a nix-build (as this would take > 15mins for our huge dependency tree).

Thus, the build plan is persisted into the repository at nix/hydra-poc.materialized/ and needs to be bumped whenever anything in the cabal.project or any of the .cabal files changes.

If the cabal build succeeds, but the nix-build fails, it's usually a good idea to do the following:

  • Uncomment checkMaterialization = true; in default.nix
  • Execute nix-build -A hydra-node.components.exes.hydra-node. This command should fail because of an incorrect sha256 value.
  • Update plan-sha256 in default.nix to the expected hash value
  • Execute nix-build -A hydra-node.project.plan-nix.passthru.updateMaterialized | bash
  • Follow the instructions in the output by running the /nix/store/<somehash>-updateMaterialized script.
  • Comment out checkMaterialization = true; again and commit the changes


Documentation is published online at https://input-output-hk.github.io/hydra-poc from the docs directory.

API Documentations are available for:

Haddock documentation is also published for each package:

Try it out

Either using the demo/docker-compose.yaml or when in the nix-shell, you can start a demo scenario with three parties using the following commands each in a separate shell:

$ cabal exec mock-chain
$ cabal exec hydra-node -- --node-id 1 --api-port 4001 \
  --port 5001 --peer "localhost:5002" --peer "localhost:5003" \
  --me "demo/alice.sk" --party "demo/bob.vk" --party "demo/carol.vk"
$ cabal exec hydra-node -- --node-id 2 --api-port 4002 \
  --port 5002 --peer "localhost:5001" --peer "localhost:5003" \
  --me "demo/bob.sk" --party "demo/alice.vk" --party "demo/carol.vk"
$ cabal exec hydra-node -- --node-id 3 --api-port 4003 \
  --port 5003 --peer "localhost:5001" --peer "localhost:5002" \
  --me "demo/carol.sk" --party "demo/alice.vk" --party "demo/bob.vk"

Then you can interact with any of the three hydra-node instances using ws and connecting to the individual port, e.g. to initiate a head via alice's hydra-node:

$ ws ws://
> {"tag":"Init"}
< {"parties":[42,51,66],"tag":"ReadyToCommit"}