
Implmentation of Observer Java OOD pattern

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka in one hour

Implementation of Observer Java OOD pattern

Tried to implement Publish Subscribe in one hour to mimic Kafka like behaviour using Observer OOD pattern.

High level description -

  • Build a Message Broker (Only one broker)
  • Publishers should be able to publish msg to broker
  • Subscribers should be able to subscribe to broker on specific types of messages
  • Subscribers should receive only messages of subscribed types
  • The broker must store all messages it received
  • The broker must log all messages that are written or read from it.
  • Message type is dynamic
  • Broker should send message in async fashion

OOD Patterns used

  1. Observer
  2. Adapter
  3. Factory
  4. Abstract Factory
  5. Strategy
  6. Proxy
  7. Singleton

How to run this project

Clone the project and run the KafkaMain.java class.
