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Run Local Server

Run server local with colorful logs

npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase init
firebase use --add (and choose your own firebase project)
DEBUG=ia:* npm start

Create Dev/Draft copy of Dialog Flow

TODO: issue #148

Connect webhook to Dialog Flow

To expose server to google assistant use ngrok its free plan should be enough.

To publish 5000 port use:

ngrok http 5000

you should find url https://<id>

After that you should use this url in your Dialog Flow draft copy of our App:


How to make contributions?

🔍 get one good first issue assign yourself (if you have assess) or write comment that you'd like to work on this issue. That's help to prevent work overlapping.

create git branch feature/<name-of-feature>, more

💻 working on it

Use Mocha for continuous checking of your code quality and cover functionality by tests

npm run mocha -- --watch

☕ Complete checking of code by run unit tests and code style checking

npm test

🌟 We follow standard javascript code style.

Automatic style fixing, it doesn't solve all problems but could be very helpful

npm run lint -- --fix

🎉 Finally make Pull Request and give complete description what have you done and link the addressed issue.

Also it could be good practice to create your Pull Request earlier, but add WIP: at the beginning of its name! This way other developers could see what are you working right now.