
my build of 2bwm

Primary LanguageC





My 2bwm build. Basically just edited the config.h.

The rice itself is called "pome."

The dotfiles for this rice are here.

Default Keybindings

These are the basic keybindings. Read through the config.h file for more shortcuts.

Keybind Function
MOD + Enter Launch terminal (alacritty)
MOD + Q Close window
MOD + {H,J,K,L} Move the window to {Left, Down, Up, Right}
MOD + Shift + {H,J,K,L} Resize the window
MOD + X Maximize a window
MOD + Shift + X Fullscreen a window
MOD + P Open app launcher
MOD + S List out the useful scripts in ~/.local/scipts/ in rofi
MOD + Shift + BackSpace Open powermenu
MOD + R Open lf (terminal file manager)
MOD + A Makes the active window unkillable
MOD + F Makes the active window focused

Note: MOD is the windows key