

StudySmart is a mobile application that aims to enhance the study experience through various features. The app is built using Jetpack Compose with Material 3, providing a stunning and modern user interface. Key functionalities include Compose Destination for Navigation, Room with Multiple Entities for local data storage, Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt for maintainable code, and a Study Session Timer utilizing Android Services for effective handling of background tasks.


Jetpack Compose with Material 3

  • Building stunning, modern user interfaces.

Compose Destination for Navigation

  • Simplifying app navigation.

Room with Multiple Entities

  • Mastering local data storage.

Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt

  • Creating testable and maintainable code.

Study Session Timer using Android Services

  • Handling background tasks effectively.


Dashboard Screen Add Subject

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 1

Task Screen Delete Task

Task Screen Delete

Screenshot 4

Subject Screen Session Screen

Screenshot 2

Session Screen