Hardware Store Management Web System (Ecommerce Website)

This project is an e-commerce website developed by me and a team of dedicated members for Warakapola Hardware, situated in Warakapola. The website is crafted to offer an online platform for customers to effortlessly browse and purchase hardware products

Main Screenshot

Click here to view more screenshots of the code editor in action.

Technologies Used Frontend:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Backend: PHP
  • Database: MySQL (connected using XAMPP)

How to Run

  1. First you want to install Xammp.
  2. Download the file and put it into the htdocs in xammp file.
  3. run the apache server and mysql and config.
  4. Now you want do create a database named 'wpl'.
  5. I have already prrovided the database tabels oly you want to import.They are located in 'dB'.
  6. imort those files to 'wpl' databse.
  7. Then vist the website by changing the url to you xammp project location.ex- 'localhost/htdocs/ '


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.