
Create secure config for swift project easeily

Primary LanguageShell


Create secure config for swift project easily


Creating configs for swift project is not an easy task. There are few problems with it. When configs contain public keys, like OAuth tokens, probably you don't want to put them under version control system. If you use git you may add this file to .gitignore. But also you have to add this config to your project into the main bundle. That is a problem, because your project contains info about file, that doesn't exist in repo.

Of course you can create empty plist, add it to the project, put it under version control and then not track any changes of this file. This will look similar to this: git update-index --assume-unchanged [path]. Now you can add secret keys, and it's not under version control. Good. Not so fast. Why? Because if you revert changes or anything else you'll lost all your keys.

Another bad option with .plist is a code obfuscation. If someone wants to get your keys, he can easily find them in .ipa file, because .plist is a resource!

Another bad option is type safety. Plists work with raw data, and you need to cast its every value. This is awful.


Secure-config-manager is a simple shell script that gets your config (which is not under version control) and generates code for it. At first time it generates an empty class with static properties -- that is an interface of our config. You can easily use it in your code. This script has options that must be embedded in build phases in order to generate code with real data during the compilation and have possibility to revert changes.


You can install with brew

$ brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/savelichalex/secure-config-manager/master/secure-config-manager.rb

Go to your project and init scm

$ scm --init

It will create few files:


And add few lines to .gitignore

What is .scmrc? It is settings for scm. Of course you might want to set it. For example, your .scmrc file can look like this:

project_folder: HelloWorld
config_file_name: myconfig.yml

Then scm will open config file located at path HelloWorld/myconfig.yml.

Available options:

Option Description
project_folder Folder for config
config_file Config file name (file must be in YAML format,
but this field is just a name, i.e. for file
myconf.yml the name is myconf)
target Generated interface target language (right now only swift is available
gen_interface_name Name for generated interface

Ok. Now edit your config. For example:

myOAuthKey: 12312j3kh12kj3h12jkh3kj12h3kj123hkj123bkj1b23

Start scm again to generate interface

$ scm --generate

Now if you did not set gen_interface_name you can see new generated file SecretConfig.swift It looks like this:

class SecretConfig {
  static let myOAuthKey: String? = nil

Add generated file to the project and use it in code.

func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
  guard let authKey = SecretConfig.myOAuthKey else {

Next step. Now go to Build Phases in your project and add Run Script twice. Place first right before Compile Sources, place second at the end. First phase should contain row scm -pre. Second - scm -post.

That's all. Now you can easily use secret configs!


secret-config-manager is on early stages, any issue reports and PR are wellcome!


  • generate code for obective-c
  • integration with React Native
  • Code obfuscation