Strict coding standard for Kotlin and a custom set of rules for detecting code smells, code style issues and bugs
- 0xaa4eb
- acheshkovMilky Way, Earth
- againull
- alexfrolov1878San Francisco
- andreybokhankoHuawei
- AnnieGrushina
- AntonDevilISPRAS
- archelanISP RAS
- Biunovich@huawei-research
- blazzen
- bogachev-pa
- Bulat-ZiganshinMoscow
- ChGen
- DenisYaroshevskiy
- dreamer567Shanghai, China
- g4s8Yerevan, Armenia
- GingerYouth
- Hrulikus
- jhdbrgWhitelance OÜ
- kentr0w@Huawei
- kniazkovMoscow, Russia
- LaserPhaserThe dark side of the Moon
- mkolinichenko
- NikitaFedotovMoscow
- OlegusSum
- olenagerasimovaHuawei
- pollyvolk
- rauchLisbon, Portugal
- Sammers21Moscow
- seanwangzhongyi
- tarquinn18
- VictorAlt
- Vitaly-ProtasovMilky Way, Earth
- wty-iscas
- yegor256@zerocracy
- yiwang-one