Clone this repo
git clone
Run Hive and Presto containers using config specified in env.conf.private
docker-compose up --build
In a separate terminal window, list currently running containers
docker ps
In a separate terminal window, open interactive tty bash on the Hive container
docker exec -it dockerprestoadlswasb_hive_1 bash
In the Hive container bash session, open Hive CLI pointing to itself as an external metastore. If you get an error saying "Name node is in safe mode", wait for a few minutes and try again.
hive --hiveconf hive.metastore.uris=thrift://localhost:9083
Create table using Azure Storage Blobs (change the storage account name and container name to yours)
create table wasbtable1 (id int, name varchar(255)) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile location 'wasb://';
Create table using Azure Data Lake Store (change the ADLS account name to yours)
create table adltable1 (id int, name varchar(255)) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile location 'adl://';
Confirm you can see the tables
show tables;
In a separate terminal window, open interactive tty bash on the Presto container
docker exec -it dockerprestoadlswasb_presto_1 bash
Presto is configured with a single node with Hive connector as described in /etc/motd
Use Presto CLI to connect to the running Presto server
/opt/presto/presto --server http://localhost:8080
List shemas in Hive catalog
show schemas from hive;
List tables in the Hive default catalog
show tables from hive.default;
Insert data into the tables
insert into hive.default.wasbtable1 (id, name) values (1,'1');
insert into hive.default.wasbtable1 (id, name) select id, name from hive.default.wasbtable1 union all select id, name from hive.default.wasbtable1 union all select id, name from hive.default.wasbtable1;
insert into hive.default.adltable1 (id, name) values (1,'1');
insert into hive.default.adltable1 (id, name) select id, name from hive.default.adltable1 union all select id, name from hive.default.adltable1 union all select id, name from hive.default.adltable1;
Select from the table
select * from hive.default.adltable1;
NOTE: To access Azure HDInsight Hive Thrift Service your Docker host VM must be within the same network.
To find the URLs of the HDInsight Hive Thrift Service (i.e. hive.metastore.uri), SSH into the HDInsight cluster and run this grep command:
echo $(grep -n1 "hive.metastore.uri" /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml | grep -o "<value>.*/value>" | sed 's:<value>::g' | sed 's:</value>::g')
See for an example showing how to configure Presto connectors to Azure Data Services to query and join data from Azure CosmosDB (using MongoDB API), Azure SQL Database, Azure MySQL, Azure PostgreSQL and store the joined results in Azure Blob Storage.