
Repository destinated to the Portfolio and Equity auxiliary classes. Suggestions, observations and collaborations are always welcome!

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

For a more thourough explanation, see the demonstration notebook in this repository.

1. Portfolio Class

1.1. Objective

Automate the calculation of quantitative metrics and their comparison between several portfolios. Works in paralell with the Equity class and the quant_tools.py module.

1.2. Attributes and Properties

1.2.1. Instance

A Portfolio object assumes the form

p = Portfolio(name: str, assets: list, init_inv: float, start: datetime, end: datetime, source: str, crypto: bool)


Parameter Description Optional?
name portfolio's name (this parameter is stored in a dictionary inside the class and makes
reference to the Portfolio object; as a result, each name must be unique)
assets assets list to compose the portfolio No
init_inv initial investment (must be sufficient to buy, at least, one share of each asset) Yes (default: 10.000)
start and end initial and final date, respectively, to collect the adjust prices of each asset in assets
from source
Yes (default: None)
source source to collet the data (for now, only investing.com ('iv'), or Yahoo Finance
('yf') are implemented)
Yes (default: 'iv')
crypto since the text formatting is different when downloading cryptos, this parameters must
be set to True to account for it. In this case, the assets list must contain only cryptos
Yes (default: False)

As properties, we have

  1. name (bool)
  2. assets (list)
  3. init_inv (float)
  4. dates (tuple)
  5. prices (pd.DataFrame)
  6. init_weights (np.ndarray)

As for instance attributes:

  1. equity (Equity object)
  2. __gen_eq (bool - internal attribute)
  3. _cryptos (list - internal attribute)

Obs: the equity attribute will be discussed in Sec. 2.

1.2.2. Class

  1. registered: dictionary that stores the name property of the Portfolio's. Given p as defined above, one gets
registered = {p.name: p}

such that one is able to reference it by its name. This is useful when comparing several Portfólios.

  1. delta: tolerance to verify if the weights sum to 1. Default: 0.001. That is, if the init_weights property is altered, say, p.init_weights = new_weights, the weights must satisfy:
np.abs(1 - np.sum(new_weights)) > Portfolio.delta

If True, AttributeError will be raised.

  1. overwrite: if True, one can overwrite a Portfolio's name. Default: False.

1.3. Instanciating a Portfolio object

1.3.1. Non-empty

The minimum parameters required to instanciate a Portfolio object are: i) its name, and ii) a list of assets. When one only gives such parameters, however, an empty Portfolio is created. This is useful when one already has a price dataframe (and is not interested in downloading the data) or when the prices cannot be downloaded from the yf.Ticker.history() method from Yahoo Finance or from the iv.get_stock_historical_data() investing.com method (until further options are implemented), and only intends to transform it to a Portfolio object. To in fact download the data when instanciating an object, the parameters start and end must be informed. The class will hence download the prices from investing.com or yahoo finance within the time period informed.

For instance, to instanciate a Portfolio with the assets ITSA4, SULA11 and SAPR11, between the period 01/01/2020 and 01/01/2021, from investing.com, we do

p1 = Portfolio(
    assets=['ITSA4', 'SULA11', 'SAPR11'],
    start=datetime(2020, 1, 1),
    end=datetime(2021, 1, 1)

The adjust prices dataframe can be visualized with p1.prices. The above procedure automatically constructs an equally-weighted portfolio:

p1.init_weights -> array([0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0.33333333])

In order to alter them, say, to 50%, 30% and 20%, we do

p1.init_weights = np.array([.5, .3, .2])

For cryptocurrencies, say, BTC and ETH, we download it from Yahoo Finance with

p2 = Portfolio(
    assets=['BTC-USD', 'ETH-USD'],
    start=datetime(2020, 1, 1),
    end=datetime(2021, 1, 1)

1.3.2. Empty

The prices dataframe from a market index, such as IBOV in BR, for instance, are acquired through the market_index() function in quant_tools() (only IBOV and IFIX are implemented for now). As a result, in order to construct an IBOV Portfolio, we download the data from the function just mentioned, create an empty Portfolio (not informing the dates), and update the prices and the dates properties with the downloaded data:

start, end = datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2021, 1, 1)

ibvp_ = qt.market_index('bvsp', start, end)

ibvp = Portfolio('IBVP', ['BVSP'])
ibvp.prices = ibvp_
ibvp.dates = (start, end)

Notice, however, that in this case it is necessary to register the Portfolio to add it in the Portfolio.registered dictionary. Although this is not mandatory, it is highly recommended so as to have access to further comparison features.

1.4. Methods

1.4.1. Magic

  1. __str__: returns p.name
  2. __len__: returns len(p.assets)
  3. __add__: it is possible to add two Portfolio's, p1 and p2, in order to obtain a new Portfolio p = p1 + p2. It actually simply concatenates (with an inner join) the prices dataframe of the Portfolio's being added and registers the resulting Portfolio under the name p1.name + p2.name:
    [p1, p2],

Like any new Portfolio, the initial weight distribution is uniform. Notice, however, that an error may be raised when considering the initial investment of p1 with all the assets from p. That is, if p1.init_inv = 1000 suffices to purchase at least one share of its n assets, when we add it to p2, with another set of assets m, 1000 may not suffice when considering n + m assets. To this end, the addition method considers the minimum allocation required to build the resulting Portfolio p. If this value is smaller (greater) than p1.init_inv, the latter (former) will be used.

1.4.2. Instance

Let p be a Portfolio.

  1. p.d_returns(): individual or total daily returns

  2. p.m_returns(): analogous to d_returns(), but for monthly returns

  3. p.a_returns(): analogous to d_returns(), but for annual returns (observe, however, that the class implicitly assumes, for now, that p.prices refers to daily prices

  4. p.acm_returns(): cumulative returns

  5. p.asset_returns(): returns a pd.Series with the annual/monthly/total return of the assets composing p

  6. p.portfolio_return(): portfolio returns

  7. p.sample_cov(): sample covariance matrix

  8. p.benchmark([portfolios]): plots a benchmark with p and the Portfolios in the portfolios list.

  9. p.beta(benchmark): beta of p with the Portfolio passed as benchmark

  10. p.volatility(): daily, monthly and annual volatility

  11. p.s_index(): annualized Sharpe or Sortino index

  12. p.var(): historical or parametric VaRs (95, 97, 99 and 99.9)

  13. p.cvar(): historical or parametric CVaRs (95, 97, 99 and 99.9)

  14. p.all_vars(): pd.DataFrame with the historical, parametric and the parametric adjusted VaRs

  15. p.downside(): portfolio downside (standard deviation of the negative returns)

  16. p.upside(): portfolio upside (standard deviation of the positive returns)

  17. p.rol_drawdown(): rolling maximum drawdown within some time window

  18. p.calc_skewness(): given the return distribution, returns its skewness

  19. p.calc_kurtosis(): given the return distribution, returns its kurtosis

  20. p.shapiro_test(): verify, within a given confidence interval, whether the return distribution assumes a normal distribution

  21. p.metrics(): pd.DataFrame with a collection of metrics

  22. p.transfer(): method that transfers the data from the original Portfolio, as the assets, dates and prices, to a new Portfolio

1.4.3. Class

Let p be a Portfolio.

  1. register(p): adds p in the Portfolio.registered dictionary, with p.name as key and p as value

  2. unregister(name): removes the Portfolio whose name property is name from Portfolio.registered

  3. all_rets(): returns a pd.Series with the returns from all registered Portfolios

  4. all_vols(): returns a pd.Series with the volatilities from all registered Portfolios

  5. all_sindex(): returns a pd.Series with the Sharpe or Sortino index from all registered Portfolios

  6. all_weights(): returns a pd.Series with the weights from all registered Portfolios

  7. all_metrics([portfolios]): applies p.metrics() for all p in the portfolios list and consolidates them into a single pd.DataFrame

1.4.4. Static


2. Equity Class

2.1. Objective

To provide assistance in the Portfolio class by controlling the evolution in equity of an asset, its number of shares and investment operations, such as short and long operations. More impotantly, with methods to follow the weights distribution and the equity, we can calculate the returns more accurately. In the same line of reasoning, note that the return of an asset in a portfolio must not rely on the number of shares one possessess of it (it will only participate in the portfolio equity). Thus, to obtain a portfolio return one can simply calculate the price variation of its assets (individual returns) and then evalutes the weighted average. As the methods of this class keeps track of the weight evolution, at each step of time the weighted average is evaluated, it is so with the updated weights.

2.2. Attributes

2.2.1. Instance

An Equity object assumes the form

eq = Equity(prices: pd.DataFrame, init_allocations: dict, cryptos: list)


Parameter Description Optional?
prices dataframe containing the adjusted prices No
init_allocations dictionary of the assets initial allocations: {asset_A: 100, asset_B: 150} No
cryptos as cryptocurrencies can be purchased in fractions (one can buy 0.15 BTC) one
needs to inform them so as to avoid errors when calculating the number of shares
Yes (default: [])

As properties, we have

  1. prices (pd.DataFrame)
  2. init_allocations (dict)
  3. eq_history (dict): keeps track of the portfolio operations, with their corresponding dates as keys and a dictionary containing the allocations as values, e.g., given the initial investment of $ 100 in asset_A and $ 150 in asset_B at 01/01/2020, we get
eq.eq_history -> {'2020-01-01': {asset_A: (100, nA), asset_B: (150, nB)}}

nA and nB being the number of shares opertaed (the first entry is always the initial allocation)

  1. n_shares (pd.Series): Series with the number of shares of each asset

2.2.2. Class


2.3. Instanciating an Equity Object

Equity objects are implicitly used inside the Portfolio class so as to properly compute the portfolio returns (daily, cumulative, etc). The prices parameter is nothing more than the prices property from a Portfolio object. For the initial allocations, it is automatically set with the init_inv and init_weights parameters in the form

init_allocations = {
    x[0]: p.init_inv * x[1]
    for x in zip(p.assets, p.init_weights)

with p a Portfolio. Assuming we are not interested in cryptocurrencies for now, given p we have

p.equity = Equity(p.prices, init_allocations)

with init_allocations as given above. Clearly, this attribute can only be instanciated once the prices and init_weights properties have been defined. Notice, however, that if such properties are updated one needs to update equity as well. Thus, every time the prices or init_weights setters are called, a new Equity object is instanciated with the updated properties. As the prices property is set before the init_weights property and both define a new Equity object, the __gen_eq internal attribute forbids the prices setter, the first time it is called, to instanciate the Equity object. This being the reason for its existence.

2.4. Methods

2.4.1. Magic


2.4.2. Instance

Let eq be an Equity.

  1. get_total_equity(): pd.Series or pd.DataFrame with the equity's evolution

  2. __set_total_equity(): internal method to update the total equity

  3. share_qtd(): calculates the number of shares that can be bought/sold, given an allocation and a date

  4. __init_equity(): internal method to construct the initial equity. When len(eq.eq_history) == 1 (only the initial investment has been made), it is equivalent to get_total_equity()

  5. weights_track(): returns a pd.DataFrame with the evolution of the assets' weights in time

  6. weighted_return(): returns the equity weighted return. Consider the assets' individual returns, given the initial investment, along with the evolution of their weights

  7. eq_return(): calculates the equity return. Obs: to compute a return of some Portfolio object, this is the method responsible for obtaining it

  8. operation(): realizes a portfolio operation, considering the given allocations and asset prices at the date informed

  9. avg_prices(): returns a dictionary with the current average prices of the assets composing the portfolio, with the assets as keys and the prices as values

  10. avg_track(): returns a pd.DataFrame with the evolution of the average price of the assets composing the portfolio. The average changes as purchases are made

2.4.3. Class


2.4.4. Static

  1. profit: calculates the profit of a sale, considering the current equity at some date and the average asset prices