DEMO in Autonomous Mode:
The codes are written in Python 3.6 keras version: 2.1.5 The libraries required are:
- scipy
- matplotlib
- keras
- tensorflow
- numpy
- pillow
- opencv3 (cv2)
- h5py
- flask-socketio
- seaborn
- pandas
- imageio
If the models are not compatible, check the versions of your libraries.
Codes: There are six models that have been trained.
- To train the models, say MODEL1, run the file with the name MODEL1 in it.
- To test, say MODEL1.h5, open and run it.
The simulated dataset has been provided. Keep all the files in the working directory. The actual dataset is too big to be attached. So, the actual dataset can be forund in:
Download the torrent. You will have 6 ROS bag files.
To extract ROSbag files, Follow the instructions given in this repo:
The can only take MODEL1.h5 to MODEL3.h5. The other models cannnot be driven on the simulator.
Simulator need to be run on Windows. You will need to have unity installed.
The rest is self explanatory.