savil's frontend libraries for Css/React/Js/Ts
- gsap-It animates anything JavaScript can touch (CSS properties, canvas library objects, SVG, React, Vue, generic objects, whatever) and it solves countless browser inconsistencies, all with blazing speed (up to 20x faster than jQuery), including automatic GPU-acceleration of transforms.
- animate.css- Animate.css is a library of ready-to-use, cross-browser animations for use in your web projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and attention-guiding hints.
- keen-slider - keen-slider is a free library agnostic touch slider with native touch/swipe behavior and great performance.
- whatsup- Front-end framework based on ideas of streams and fractals.
- gsap- It animates anything JavaScript can touch (CSS properties, canvas library objects, SVG, React, Vue, generic objects, whatever) and it solves countless browser inconsistencies, all with blazing speed (up to 20x faster than jQuery), including automatic GPU-acceleration of transforms.