Sony PS4 Dualshock Emulator

This Python program emulates the functionality of a Sony PS4 Dualshock controller using a computer mouse and keyboard. It allows users to control games or applications that support gamepad input by translating mouse movements, keyboard presses, and mouse clicks into corresponding gamepad inputs.


  • Mouse Emulation: The program translates mouse movements into joystick movements, allowing users to control the right analog stick of the virtual gamepad.
  • Keyboard Emulation: Keyboard keys are mapped to various buttons on the virtual gamepad, providing control over different functions.
  • Mouse Button Emulation: Mouse clicks are translated into button presses on the virtual gamepad, enabling actions like aiming and shooting in games.
  • Directional Pad Emulation: Certain keyboard keys are mapped to directional pad buttons, allowing navigation and menu selection.
  • Customizable Sensitivity: Users can adjust the sensitivity of mouse movements and keyboard inputs to suit their preferences.

Controls Mapping:

  • Mouse Movements: Control the right analog stick.
  • Left Mouse Button: Aim (emulates left trigger button).
  • Right Mouse Button: Shoot (emulates right trigger button).
  • Scroll Wheel Up: Move up (emulates up arrow button).
  • Tab: Move down (emulates down arrow button).
  • B: Move left (emulates left arrow button).
  • 4: Move right (emulates right arrow button).
  • Q: Left shoulder button.
  • E: Right shoulder button.
  • X: Combo of left and right shoulder buttons.
  • F: Square button.
  • R: Square button.
  • Spacebar: Cross button.
  • 1, 2, 3, G: Triangle button.
  • C: Circle button.
  • V: Right thumbstick button.


  • Python 3: The program requires Python 3 to run.
  • vgamepad: Python library for creating virtual gamepads.
  • tkinter: Python library for creating GUI applications.


  1. Install Python 3 on your system.
  2. Install the required dependencies using pip install vgamepad.
  3. Run the Python script.


  1. Launch the program.
  2. Use the mouse to control the right analog stick.
  3. Use keyboard keys to trigger button presses.
  4. Left-click to aim, right-click to shoot.
  5. Scroll up for additional actions, such as moving up.
  6. Use other mapped keys for various functions.


  • This is a basic implementation and not yet finalized. Further improvements and features can be added for enhanced functionality.
  • Ensure that the program window has focus while using keyboard and mouse inputs for emulation.
  • Adjust sensitivity settings in the script according to your preferences.
  • The program is designed for Windows but may work on other platforms with appropriate adjustments.