
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Swap Widget

Demo: https://swap.savitar.io/widget

For direct API connection, please see https://doc.savitar.io/api/


  1. Install

  2. Quick Start

  3. Configurations

  4. Advanced

  5. About



npm install --save @savitar.exchange/swap-sdk


yarn add @savitar.exchange/swap-sdk


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@savitar.exchange/swap-sdk/dist/bundle.min.js"></script>

Quick Start

In embedded mode, we strongly recommend to show the widget in a minimum 390px (min-width) x 400px (min-height) element to ensure best compatibility with banks 3DSecure pages."

Initialize the client

var Swap = require('swap-sdk');
// OR
import * as Swap from 'swap-sdk';

new Swap.Widget({
    type: 'modal',
    lang: 'en', // default langage - string - ['en', 'fr']

Mode modal

This mode loads an overlay on the click of a button or a link with id buttonId.

new Swap.Widget({
    type: 'modal',
    buttonId: 'swap-button',

Mode embed

This mode loads the widget in the DOM node of your choice parametrized with embedContainerId

new Swap.Widget({
    type: 'embed',
    embedContainerId: 'swap-widget',


List of parameters of Swap.Widget config:

new Swap.Widget({
    type: 'embed',
    embedContainerId: 'swap-widget',
    config: {
      // input parameters here

For wallets

  • email (optional): User email - string- default null
  • email_editable (optional): Allow user to change predefined email- bool - default true
  • currency (optional): Currency of the order - string- default null
  • order_type (optional): buy | sell - string- default buy
  • amount (optional): Amount of the order - float- default 25
  • amount_currency (optional): Currency of amount - string - default eur
  • amount_editable (optional): Allow user to modify amount - bool - default true
  • delivery_address (optional): Address to send ordered coins - string - default null
  • hide_confirm (optional): Hide payment confirmation (data @events) ( true | false ) - bool - default false
  • ref_code (optional): Referral ID for comissions - string - default null
  • font_family (optional): Google Font name - string - default null
  • primary_color (optional): Primary color (text or hex) - string - default null
  • secondary_color (optional): Secondary color (text or hex) - string - default null


Buy a domain

  • payment_type: iov,
  • email (optional): User email - string - default null
  • email_editable (optional): Allow user to change predefined email - bool - default true
  • delivery_address (optional): Owner of the domain - string - default null
  • broker_address (optional): Register commission address - string - default null
  • hide_confirm (optional): Hide payment confirmation (data @events) ( true | false ) - bool - default false
  • iov_domain (optional): Set default Starname domain - string - default null
  • ref_code (optional): Referral ID for comissions - string - default null
  • font_family (optional): Google Font name - string - default null
  • primary_color (optional): Primary color (text or hex) - string - default null
  • secondary_color (optional): Secondary color (text or hex) - string - default null

Buy IOVs

  • currency: IOV - string
  • email (optional): User email - string - default null
  • email_editable (optional): Allow user to change predefined email - bool - default true
  • amount (optional): Amount of the order - float - default 25
  • amount_currency (optional): IOV or EUR - string - default EUR
  • amount_editable (optional): Allow user to modify amount - bool - default true
  • delivery_address (optional): Address to send ordered coins - string - default null
  • hide_confirm (optional): Hide payment confirmation (data @events) ( true | false ) - bool - default false
  • ref_code (optional): Referral ID for comissions - string - default null
  • font_family (optional): Google Font name - string - default null
  • primary_color (optional): Primary color (text or hex) - string - default null
  • secondary_color (optional): Secondary color (text or hex) - string - default null


Pay button with simple configuration


  • svt-currency: Currency of order - string - default null
  • svt-email (optional): User email - string - default null
  • svt-email-editable (optional): Allow user to change predefined email - bool - default true
  • svt-amount (optional): Amount to order - float - default 25
  • svt-amount-editable (optional): Allow user to modify amount - bool
  • svt-amount-currency (optional): Currency of amount (ex: btc) - string - default eur
  • svt-order-type (optional): buy | sell - string - default buy
  • svt-delivery-address (optional): Address to send ordered coins - string - default null
  • svt-payment-type (optional): Payment type of widget (merchant / exchange / iov ) - string - default null
  • svt-hide-confirm (optional): Hide payment confirmation (data @events) ( true | false ) - bool - default false
  • svt-iov-domain (optional): Set default Starname domain - string - default null
  • svt-ref-code (optional): Referral ID for comissions - string - default null
  • svt-font-family (optional): Google Font name - string - default null
  • svt-primary-color (optional): Primary color (text or hex) - string - default null
  • svt-secondary-color (optional): Secondary color (text or hex) - string - default null
const widget = new Swap.Widget({
    payButtons: true,
    payButtonsStyle: true

<button type='svt-btn' svt-amount='50' svt-currency='usdt' svt-email='user@email.com' svt-order-type='buy'>Pay now !</button>
<button type='svt-btn' svt-amount='1' svt-currency='btc' svt-amount-currency='btc' />
<button type='svt-btn' svt-amount='50' svt-currency='btc' svt-delivery-address='367pVvSShqKzBZBA4eqHLwHB41g9NAphTd' />
<button type='svt-btn' svt-currency='xtz' />
<button type='svt-btn' svt-payment-type='iov' svt-email='user@email.com' svt-email-editable='false' >Buy Starname<button/>
<button type='svt-btn' svt-email='user@email.com' svt-currency='iov' svt-amount='100'/>
<button type='svt-btn' svt-order-type='sell' svt-currency='iov' svt-amount='100'/>
  • type: modal or embed - string
  • payButtons: true or false - Enable click events on swap buttons - bool
  • payButtonsStyle: true or false - Enable auto styling of buttons - bool
  • embedContainerId: swap-embed - Embed container id - string
  • iframeContainerClass: swap-widget-container - iFrame container class - string
  • buttonId: swap-init - Modal button id - string
  • config: Widget configuration - object
const opts = {
        type: 'modal',
        buttonId: 'swap-init',
        config: {
            email: 'user@test.com',
            email_editable: true,
            currency: 'btc',
            amount: 200,
            amount_editable: false,
            delivery_address: '1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX'



    const widget = new Swap.Widget().init()

    .on('ready', () => {
      // widget has loaded
    .on('close', () => {
      // user has closed widget
    .on('success', (data) => {
      // user has successfully paid
    .on('failure', (data) => {
      // payment failure


Init modal in your script

    const widget = new Swap.Widget({



Website: https://swap.savitar.io