
The back-end repo for ICD code recommendation system built in Django

Primary LanguagePython

Development Environment Setup

  • Install Python 3.8 (Or create a Python environment with specific version such as using Conda: conda create -n myenv python=3.8 && conda activate myenv)
  • Install Git LFS (https://git-lfs.github.com)
  • Clone/fork this repo

Set up environment using the env_setup.sh script provided

  • Set up environment: source env_setup.sh This will set up a Python environment under the environment/ folder, as well as creating activate.sh which can be used for setting the environment variables.
  • Edit the environment variables in activate.sh. This file is in .gitignore and won't up updated to the repo. You can create a random secret key for Django using:
    from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key
  • Activate the environment: source activate.sh. Alternatively, to activate the environment without loading environment variables from activate.sh (ie. using default development configurations), run source environment/bin/activate instead.

Set up environment not using the env_setup.sh script provided

  • With a Python 3.8 environment activated, install the dependencies described in requirements.txt, you can do so using pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Set up environment variables (optional, you can skip this step if you are using default development configurations)

Default development configurations

A set of default development configurations will be used unless otherwise specified as environment variables. The default configurations are as the following:

    • RDS_DB_NAME: "icd_recommender"
    • RDS_USERNAME: "postgres"
    • RDS_PASSWORD: ""
    • RDS_HOSTNAME: ""
    • RDS_PORT: "5432"

You can overwrite these default values by setting them as environment variables, such as editing the activate.sh generated by the env_setup.sh provided.

Typical first time set-up commands

  • python manage.py migrate
  • python manage.py initialize
  • python manage.py createsuperuser
  • python manage.py runserver