This is a simple piece of code to automatically download the SPOT-Take5 products provided by Theia land data center :
This code was written thanks to the precious help of one my colleague at CNES Jérôme Gasperi who developped the "rocket" interface which is used by Theia, and the mechanism to get a token.
This code relies on python 2.7 and on the curl utility. Because of that, I guess it only works with linux.
This software is still quite basic, but if you have an account at theia, you may download products using command lines like
python ./ -s 'ToulouseFrance' -a auth_theia.txt -c SPOT5 -d 2015-04-01 -f 2015-05-01 -l LEVEL2A
which downloads all the SPOT5 (Take5), LEVEL2A products above ToulouseFrance site, acquired in April 2015.
python ./ -s 'ToulouseFrance' -a auth_theia.txt -c SPOT5
which downloads all the SPOT5 (Take5), LEVEL1C products above ToulouseFrance site.
The file auth_theia.txt must contain your email address and your password on the same line, such as follows : top_secret
The program first fetches a token using your email address and password, and then uses it to download the products. As the token is only valid for two hours, itis advised to request only a reasonable number of products.