This Project consists of

  • Dagger for dependency injection
  • Retrofit and RxJava2 for handling network and asyscronous tasks
  • Room ORM for offline support
  • Kotlin Serialization for deserializing and serializing json to pojo classes
  • Glide for image loading
  • Data Binding for Binding UI to ViewModels
  • This Project follows single Activity Architecture with two Fragments consisting of HomeFragmnet and DetailsFragment
  • The App also handles the deeplink dhtech://restaurant/{restaurantId} for eg dhtech://restaurant/1001
  • I have written Unit Tests for HomeViewModel, ConfigManager, RestaurantItemViewModel, DeliveryHeroAPI which will give you the general idea about my testing, I wasnt able to cover all the code because of the time constraint, so I tried covering different type of classes

MVVM Architecture used
