

Primary LanguageHTML


This project uses Gulp task runner and Bower package manager that requires Node.js v6.x.x to be installed on your machine. If you haven't installed Gulp CLI or Bower on your machine yet, run:

$ npm install --global gulp-cli
$ npm install --global bower


1. Install with npm

$ npm install && bower install
$ npm install -and bower install

2. Setup your gulpfile.js:

2.1 Live reload

Add your local server URL, so LiveReload can refresh browser as you are working on your code :

var URL = 'localhost/myproject'

3. Run Gulp

While working on your project, run "watch" task from the NPM: npm run watch When project is done, run npm run production to minify CSS, JS and remove unnecessary sourcemaps

Folder structure

│   ├───dist
│   │   ├───css
│   │   ├───fonts
│   │   ├───images
│   │   └───javascript
│   └───src
│       ├───fonts
│       ├───images
│       ├───javascript
│       │   └───modules
│       └───scss
│           ├───base
│           ├───layout
│           ├───modules
│           └───vendor