
Accompanying coding challenges for Unit 4

Primary LanguageHTML

Open in Visual Studio Code Need a hand? Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

Hints and Best Practices for the Coding Exercise

  1. Understand the Requirements:

    • Carefully read and comprehend the problem statement.
    • Identify the desired output and the required inputs.
  2. Plan Your Solution:

    • Break down the problem into smaller, manageable tasks. Think of this as a step-by-step of what you need to write.
    • Use commentary as line items to be accomplished in your code - this will help you stay organized and on target. In the previous exercise, HTML1, we have an example of this already by placing the requirements directly inside the code file in comments, so go back and review that if you need an idea of what we're talking about here
    • Decide on the data structures and algorithms to use. What kind of function will do this? Consider going back to the curriculum and search for a specific keyword to brush up on how to implement that function. Get all the "pieces" and "actions" out in front of you and then it will only be a matter of arranging them in the correct order to get the job done!
  3. Start with a Simple Version:

    • Implement the core functionality in its simplest form, and test each function or element as you code it to ensure it works or shows up the way you intend.
    • Test and verify that the basic functionality is working. Once you've finished writing it, run it by clicking the "run" button above and make sure it functions as you intended.
  4. Refine and Improve:

    • Once the basic functionality is working, optimize your solution if necessary. Is there a way to write it so it does the job more efficiently?
    • Simplify the code and remove any unnecessary complexity. Maybe you have an extra ID or other attribute applied out of habit, which is not actually required here. Check yourself on these things.
  5. Test Your Solution:

    • Create a few test cases to verify the correctness of your code. Try to run the action of the page in a couple of different ways to make sure the success wasn't a fluke!
    • Ensure that your solution produces the expected output.

Remember, the main focus of this and any coding exercise is to solve the given problem efficiently and produce the correct output. The suggested steps above are intended to help you approach the task systematically and increase your chances of success.

Good luck! Stay focused, review the content from the curriculum if you're unsure, and never hesitate to check out the Mozilla Developer Network at:

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ (hold down CTRL or CMD and click on the link to go directly to Mozilla's landing page)

...which is effectively the Bible of the Internet, for deeper detail on anything you're just super curious about!

Let the curriculum be a starting point, not an end-all-be-all of learning, and your success will be all but guaranteed!