
Docker image to let Google Home speak anything via Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageDockerfileGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Github, DockerHub

Based on google-home-notifier. Great work! The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 noelportugal

  • Run Docker on Raspberry Pi
  • Run This Image
  • Customize script
  • Restart
  • Enjoy

Run Docker on Raspberry Pi

Skip if you already done. Easiest way is to install Hypriot Docker Image for Raspberry Pi with flash.

I hit minor error with Raspberry Pi Zero W but this post solved.

Simply after sticking micro SD card to your computer, run these commands. You will download OS image, add user, setup wifi and burn image into card.

curl -o user-data.yml https://gist.github.com/goughjt/9a7e9b66217bda54893cb1474fa0968e
curl -o boot-config.txt https://gist.github.com/goughjt/b121832bf6371b69794c2ecb43310be1
vi user-data.yml (To change <like-this> sections like SSID)
flash --bootconf ./boot-config.txt --userdata ./user-data.yml --hostname <hostname> https://github.com/hypriot/image-builder-rpi/releases/download/v1.7.1/hypriotos-rpi-v1.7.1.img.zip

Run This Image

docker run -it --net host -d --name rpi-google-home-notifier hisashin/rpi-google-home-notifier

Customize script

docker exec -it rpi-google-home-notifier /bin/bash
vi /google-home-notifier/app.js

var ip = ''; // default IP
var language = 'ja'; // default language code (first one in post)
var language = 'ja'; // default language code (second one in get)

Edit around this section as you want with the your IP address of your Google-Home.


/etc/init.d/dbus stop
pgrep -f start.sh | xargs kill

This stops docker process and you will be forced to exit. Restart it with latest settings you've done.

docker start rpi-google-home-notifier

To autostart, add same line to /etc/rc.local

docker start rpi-google-home-notifier


Let your Google Home speak like this. Default port is 8091 but you can change it by editing /google-home-notifier/app.js.

curl -X GET http://(IP of RaspberryPi):8091/google-home-notifier?text=Hello+Google+Home

If text starts from 'http' like url of mp3, it will be played.