
Command line application for logging data via PSI's DRS4 board

Primary LanguageC++


Command line utility for logging data in a binary format from the PSI DRS4 evaluation board module.


Requires GCC, and the libusb-1.0 package. On a debian machine, installation of these package rquires a few lines.

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0.0-dev

Then just run make in this directory to get the binary.



Currently it is set up to use arguments in a list. A use example is displayed.

./drsLog 5.0 0.45 60.0 R AND 01010 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 100 50 5 .

Description of the arguments and their order is shown below.

Usage: ./drsLog
      <sample speed (0.1-6)            (5.0)GSPS>
      <range center                    (0.450)V>
      <trigger delay                   (60.0)ns>
      <trigger type [R|F]              (R)ising edge>
      <trigger logic [AND|OR]          (AND) logic>
      <trigger [CH1,CH2,CH3,CH4,EXT]   (01010) CH2,CH4>
      <trigger voltage CH1             (0.050)V>
      <trigger voltage CH2             (0.060)V>
      <trigger voltage CH3             (0.800)V>
      <trigger voltage CH4             (0.020)V>
      <max events                      (10000) events>
      <max time                        (3600) seconds>
      <path                            ../data>

Outputs a file in the path directory with a filename similar to
