
React Native boilerplate.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Native skeleton

React Native skeleton repository


  • Note: Make sure to install jq package in linux(sudo apt install jq)/mac(brew install jq)
  • Run ./start.sh
  • Enter Your project name and wait for the command to exit.



  • Node
  • React Native Environment Setup here

Environment Files required for the project can be found here

After environment for development has been installed.

  • Copy config.ts file from config.ts.example to environments/<dev|local|prod>.

    • NOTE apiUrl needs ip address of server if running from live device.
  • For firebase configuration

    • IOS/Android
      • Copy GoogleService-Info.plist & google-services.json inside environmets/<dev|local|prod>
  • Finally, run yarn set:env:<dev|local|prod> to set up the required environmental configuration.

▶️ Run on android

  • react-native start will start development server.
  • react-native run-android will run the project in mobile for android.

▶️ Run on ios

  • if pod install is not done. you need to go to ios directory and run command pod install or npx pod install. For m1 macs (running with rosetta emulation) sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi and arch -x86_64 pod install

  • react-native run-ios will run project in simulator in ios.