This is a flutter plugin to detect edges in a live camera, take the picture of detected edges object, crop it, and save.
- 0
Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity
#188 opened by MSatyam-Mishra - 0
Crash on Android 11
#166 opened by Tom3652 - 2
- 1
Updrage comiple sdk andriod
#185 opened by taufiqelahi - 17
Flash button not showing on some devices
#122 opened by rsanjuan87 - 0
How to disable Appbar
#184 opened by anilkumar416 - 5
Edge detection is not working.
#141 opened by NatyCristal - 0
Live scanning of object in camera not working
#183 opened by anilkumar416 - 3
- 1
App Crash
#181 opened by SaadRahim7 - 0
- 0
Not able to run
#179 opened by Appstute-Prerna - 0
- 0
Preview often displayed with a square ratio
#177 opened by Mysteriosis - 2
Photos options overlaps on other screens.
#172 opened by sagar-doshaheen - 1
- 7
The app bar is not visible, we are unable to perform actions such as saving, rotating, or cropping images.
#158 opened by JagaranMaharjan - 0
He cannot detect corners in some circumstances
#174 opened by yazan12396 - 4
Edge detection is not working on ios xcode 15.0
#155 opened by dairy96 - 3
Duplicate problem with cross_file addon
#144 opened by myavuzokumus - 2
android build failed #Execution failed for task ':edge_detection:compileDebugKotlin'.
#164 opened by dihsarjr - 0
- 0
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how to use a USB camera
#165 opened by cityvoice - 2
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Can I use an external camera?
#161 opened by DieuNN - 0
- 5
Building apk
#157 opened by mosi2142 - 1
- 1
how to get default number of cropper edge point ?( for example 4 ).some time getting 3 edge point some time got 4 edge point ?
#156 opened by WafraRamees - 2
Xcode 15 - Stored properties cannot be marked unavailable with '@available'
#154 opened by harshparikhfb - 0
Bug: File does not exist on edge_detection 1.1.2
#148 opened by giapnhgc - 10
WeScan does not build on iOS17 as per Xcode Beta -- WeScan says they no longer support cocoapods but there are other ways to update--
#146 opened by espbee - 8
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reset button
#149 opened by Vrushti24 - 0
- 1
lib not working on flutter build android-arm
#143 opened by Vanilla1999 - 0
If I dismiss the gallery modal on an iphone, then the application no longer works correctly
#142 opened by Remi-deronzier - 2
Edge detection is already active error.
#140 opened by 3rsin3rgul - 0
How can I stop Ios Camera Autoscanning
#139 opened by 2Andromeda - 0
The gallery icon never gone on iOS
#138 opened by Nico3652 - 3
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found
#137 opened by koitiyasojima-ufra - 1
Detects edge properly when capturing and giving wrong edges after capture
#131 opened by Appstute-Prerna - 2
Android app crash when selecting image directly from the gallery via detectEdgeFromGallery method
#133 opened by Gidzkid - 4
- 1
Error while running example app
#135 opened by wbin-dev - 0
After loading and cropping an image from gallery it doesn't save the cropped image in the path passed but if I shot an image it works just fine
#134 opened by Bogghi - 0
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Can have option to customize UI ?
#128 opened by sokphengcheang - 1
[Android] Select Image .png crash on Android
#123 opened by duypxd