Simple python example using Pandas and NumPy in a Lambda Layer
You can use SAM local to run the example locally. template.yaml
defines the Lambdas, Layer, and API Gateway endpoints.
1. sam build
2. sam local start-api
3. Hit the end point in a browser at,4. (example defines sum & max methods)
This executes a docker run command that installs the lambda appropriate version of requirements.txt into the python/lib/python3.7/site-packages folder. This is necessary because pandas is compiled for the OS you're running on Requirments.txt only includes pandas and pytz, not numpy -
zip -r ./python
Creates a zip of the python/lib/python3.7/site-packages folder -
Upload: upload the zip as a Lambda Layer with python 3.7 compatibility
Using the AWS console, create your lambda function and add your newly created layer. Be sure to also choose the AWS provided numpy scipy layer.
Created from this great tutorial by Quy Tang