
Computer Vision USF Fall 2021: Project 1 Jupyter

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project 1: Transformations Jupyter

Use Colab to run the notebook

How To Submit

For submission replace the cvfa21netid part of the directory with you netid. In my case, my netid is danielsawyer so the directory name would be danielsawyer_jupyter_project-1.

The whole project should be contained within that directory. Then, zip the directory and only that directory and save it as netid_jupyter_project-1.zip, where netid is replaced by your netid. In my case, it would be danielsawyer_jupyter_project-1.zip

Here is an example tree of the directory structure

danielsawyer_jupyter_project-1.zip contains...

├── netid_jupyter_project_1.ipynb
└── README.md