Programming Assignment 2: Estimating Transformations
Assignment Info
If you want to use just Python and not Colab, I highly recommend installing Anaconda. Anaconda is a necessity for data science and you should learn how to use it because it will change your life.
Clone GitHub Repo
# Clone
git clone
# Change directory name to your netid, example using my netid
# You can also use file explorer, right-click, and rename
mv cvfa21netid_pa-2 danielsawyer_pa-2
# Enter directory, again using my netid as an example
cd danielsawyer_pa-2
How To Run: Python
Anaconda Environment Setup
# Install Anaconda Environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cvpj2
Pip Setup
# Install Modules Pip
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
Run program
# Runs program
How To Run: Colab
Open in a text editor and then copy/paste into a new Colab Notebook.
Create second code cell below where you pasted code.
Open in a text editor and then copy/paste into the second code cell.
ALWAYS run the above cells first before you run ones below. Not sure why I have to say this but apparently I do.
Once coding on the class estimate_transform is complete, copy the first cell and paste into or create a new and paste it in there. Then follow the submission guidlines below.
DO NOT add any imports or do any type of viewing (matplotlib, cv2.imshow, etc) in the first code cell with the estimate_transforms class's code. YOU MAY GET A ZERO ON ALL CODE IF YOU DO THIS. Put this stuff in the main section.
DO NOT use any inline "!" bash commands in your first code cell where code is located. You wont need it and it will mess up the grading process, which will lose you points since you cant follow instructions.
How To Submit
For submission replace the cvfa21netid part of the directory with your netid. In my case, my netid is danielsawyer bc my USF email is, so the directory name would be danielsawyer_pa-2
The whole project should be contained within that directory. Then zip the directory, and only that directory, then save it as where netid is replaced by your netid. In my case, it would be
The only 2 files in the netid_pa-2 directory should be and report.pdf
After creating the zip file, upload it to Canvas by the submission due date.
Here is an example tree of the directory structure you should be turning in with the netid being danielsawyer. contains...
└── danielsawyer_pa-2
└── report.pdf