A modern, efficient management system for PS Park Apartment to track tenants, rooms, and generate monthly bills, replacing the outdated 20+ year old system.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Set up Guideline.pdf# Apartment Management System & Dashboard Analysis

A modern stand-alone desktop app with efficient management system for PS Park Apartment to track tenants, rooms, and generate monthly bills, replacing the outdated 20+ year old system.

🎥 App Demo

![App Demo]

📊 Final Defense Slides

![Final Defense Slides]

Our App Showcase

External Exposure (PS Park Apartment)

PS Park Apartment has a management system where they keep track of the tenants and rooms. They have a system where they can generate bills monthly. This system was developed 20+ years ago and now they want a more efficient and modern approach for their system.

Table of Contents


Provide a more detailed introduction to your project. Include motivation, potential uses, and challenges addressed by your project.


  • Feature 1: Describe what it does.
  • Feature 2: Describe what it does.
  • Feature 3: Describe what it does.
  • Add more as needed.

Technology Stack

Detail the technologies, frameworks, libraries, and tools used in your project.

  • Frontend: Material-UI (MUI) Nextron

  • Backend: Express Prisma

  • Database: PostgreSQL

  • Others: GitHub Jira

Getting Started


List everything needed to get started with your project.

1. Hardware Requirements

  • A computer with at least 2GB RAM or any mid range CPU.
  • A local server for developer hosting the application and database.

2. Software Requirements

Operating System
  • Windows xp/7/8.1/10/11

3. Database Management System (DBMS)

  • PostgreSQL: For storing and managing application data.

4. Development Tools

Backend Development
  • Prisma: For the backend logic.
  • Express Node.js: For advanced features and fault tolerance.
Frontend Development
  • React: For building the user interface.
  • Next.js: For server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • HTML5 and Material-UI (MUI): For responsive design.
Version Control System
  • Git: With GitHub as the repository hosting service.
Project Management Tools
  • Jira: For agile project management and collaboration.

5. Other Tools

  • Nextron: For developing cross-platform desktop applications (if needed).
  • LibreOffice: For document processing and contract generation functionalities.
  • Node.js: To run JavaScript on the server side.
  • Danfo.js: For handling data structures and data analysis (if applicable).


Instructions for setting up a local development environment by followng the detailed Setup Guideline PDF.

Set up Guideline.pdf


App Architecture

## Team

Ahmad Yasi Faizi, 6238001

Zwe Min Maw, 6238135

Saw Zwe Wai Yan, 6318013


We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Asst. Prof. Dr. Rachsuda Setthawong, Asst. Prof. Dr. Pisal Setthawong, and the Apartment Manager, Mr. Pishan Setthawong, for their guidance and support throughout our senior project. Their expert advice, encouragement, and timely feedback have been instrumental in making our project a success. It helped us identify key areas of importance and guided us on what to pursue and what to avoid. The weekly meetings provided us with a clear roadmap for our next steps, and their review of our final page functionality was precise and detailed.

We would also like to extend our thanks to Mr. Chayapol Moemeng and Asst. Prof. Dr. Anilkumar Kothalil Gopalakrishnan, who willingly accepted to be our committee members. Their valuable insights and constructive feedback have greatly improved the quality of our project.

We are also grateful to our friends who were part of this project, supporting us and providing valuable feedback. Their contributions were crucial in shaping our project and ensuring its success.

Finally, we express our sincere appreciation to Assumption University for providing us with the necessary resources and support to complete this project. This opportunity has been invaluable, and the knowledge gained from this experience will undoubtedly aid us in our ongoing learning and growth.

Thank you for more detailed showcase, check our YouTube video.