
Exploring island models on HPC for evolutionary computation using EvoLP.jl

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Islands on Idun

This is a project exploring how to implement island models of genetic algorithms using Message Passing Interface (MPI) on a high performance computing cluster.

The project is an extension of EvoLP.jl and provides 3 new additional operators.

The work flow

Select a deme

We have a new supertype: DemeSelector which uses select to choose a subset of a population (or deme, as it is known in biology). This project implements the following hierarchy of deme selector types:

  • DemeSelector
    • RandomDemeSelector
    • WorstDemeSelector

Both the random and worst deme selectors get a parameter k to select k individuals from the population using such policy.

Drift away

After a DemeSelector has been chosen, it is passed to the new function drift. The drift operator calls on the select function using the chosen DemeSelector. It then encodes and sends the deme to the destination island.

Strand in

The new function strand handles the receiving and decoding of the population.


Another new function, reinsert!, takes the new stranded deme and adds it (in-place) to the population. It then returns the indices of the old deme (which should be deleted manually from your algorithm).

Implementation and results

We ported EvoLP to Julia 1.7.2 and renamed it IdunIslands. For simplicity, all new components (as well as a demo algorithm, islandGA) were added to a single file: island.jl. Members in this file are not exported, so everything needs to be accessed by IdunIslands.WorstDemeSelector, for example. The running script is scratch.jl which wraps everything in a single work flow run.

We tested on 8 cores (or 8 islands) using a 1-way ring topology. Three built-in functions were tested: ackley, rosenbrock and michalewicz, each on three different dimension sizes: 2, 3 and 5. More information about them is available at EvoLP's documentation on benchmark functions.

Tests setup

A generational GA (islandGA) with:

  • Generator: unif_rand_vector_pop
  • Selector: RankBasedSelectionGenerational
  • Recombinator: UniformCrossover
  • Mutator: GaussianMutation with std=0.1
  • Population size: 30
  • Iterations: 100
  • Migration
    • rate: mu (see below)
    • selection policy: RandomDemeSelector
    • replacement policy: WorstDemeSelector
param ackley rosenbrock michalewicz
mu 10 10 5

Tested on Julia 1.7.2, using 2 nodes of 4 cores each on Idun.

Results are available in the data folder, per function, per dimension, per island. These were logged using EvoLP's statistics logbook.