Project architecture:
├── composition
│ └── terraform-remote-backend # <--- Step 3: Create Composition layer and define all the required inputs to Infrastructure module's
│ └── ap-northeast-1
│ └── prod
│ ├──
│ ├── # <----- this is the entry point
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── terraform.tfstate
│ ├── terraform.tfstate.backup
│ ├── terraform.tfvars
│ └──
├── infrastructure_modules # <---- Step 2: Create Infrastructure Modules (abstraction layer using Facade design pattern) and consume resource modules
│ └── terraform_remote_backend
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
└── resource_modules # <----- Step 1: Replicate remote TF modules in local Resource Modules
├── database
│ └── dynamodb
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── identity
│ └── kms_key
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
└── storage
└── s3 # <---- replicated locally from remote TF module:
In infrastructure_modules/terraform_remote_backend/, S3 bucket, DynamoDB, and KMS key are defined.
This infrastructure_modules/terraform_remote_backend
can be thought of as an abstraction layer which contains all the necessary resources to create Terraform remote backend. IMO, this abstraction layer is similar to Facade pattern:
- Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.
- Wrap a complicated subsystem with a simpler interface
# used to append random integer to S3 bucket to avoid conflicting bucket name across the globe
resource "random_integer" "digits" {
min = 1
max = 100
keepers = {
# Generate a new integer each time s3_bucket_name value gets updated
listener_arn = var.app_name
module "s3_bucket_terraform_remote_backend" {
source = "../../resource_modules/storage/s3"
bucket = local.bucket_name
acl = var.acl
policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.bucket_policy.json
tags = local.tags
force_destroy = var.force_destroy
website =
cors_rule = local.cors_rule
versioning = local.versioning
logging = local.logging
lifecycle_rule = local.lifecycle_rule
replication_configuration = local.replication_configuration
server_side_encryption_configuration = local.server_side_encryption_configuration
object_lock_configuration = local.object_lock_configuration
## s3 bucket public access block ##
block_public_policy = var.block_public_policy
block_public_acls = var.block_public_acls
ignore_public_acls = var.ignore_public_acls
restrict_public_buckets = var.restrict_public_buckets
## Dynamodb for TF state locking
module "dynamodb_terraform_state_lock" {
source = "../../resource_modules/database/dynamodb"
name = local.dynamodb_name
read_capacity = var.read_capacity
write_capacity = var.write_capacity
hash_key = var.hash_key
attribute_name = var.attribute_name
attribute_type = var.attribute_type
sse_enabled = var.sse_enabled
tags = var.tags
## KMS
module "s3_kms_key_terraform_backend" {
source = "../../resource_modules/identity/kms_key"
name = local.ami_kms_key_name
description = local.ami_kms_key_description
deletion_window_in_days = local.ami_kms_key_deletion_window_in_days
tags = local.ami_kms_key_tags
policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.s3_terraform_states_kms_key_policy.json
enable_key_rotation = true
Also note some variables are local, the others input variables. If you want to allow users to configure values, then you should use var.VAR_NAME
and bubble up variables to composition layer from which values are injected from terraform.tfvars
Step 3: Create Composition layer and define all the required inputs to Infrastructure module's
In composition/terraform-remote-backend/ap-northeast-1/prod/, a single module called terraform_remote_backend
is defined.
This is kind of thought as main class's main(), which is kind of calling a constructor method of an interface infrastructure_modules/terraform_remote_backend
which in turn creates terraform remote backend related resources internally.
# AWS Terraform backend composition
module "terraform_remote_backend" {
source = "../../../../infrastructure_modules/terraform_remote_backend"
env = var.env
app_name = var.app_name
region = var.region
tags = local.tags
## Terraform State S3 Bucket
acl = var.acl
force_destroy = var.force_destroy
versioning_enabled = var.versioning_enabled
## s3 bucket public access block ##
block_public_policy = var.block_public_policy
block_public_acls = var.block_public_acls
ignore_public_acls = var.ignore_public_acls
restrict_public_buckets = var.restrict_public_buckets
## DynamoDB
read_capacity = var.read_capacity
write_capacity = var.write_capacity
hash_key = var.hash_key
attribute_name = var.attribute_name
attribute_type = var.attribute_type
sse_enabled = var.sse_enabled
All composition/terraform-remote-backend/ap-northeast-1/prod/
needs to supply is required input variable values (kind of thought as passing arguments to a constructor method) based on infrastructure_modules/terraform_remote_backend/
# Metadata
variable "env" {
description = "The name of the environment."
type = string
variable "app_name" {
description = "The name of the application."
type = string
variable "region" {
description = "The AWS region this bucket should reside in."
type = string
variable "tags" {
description = "A mapping of tags to assign to the resources."
type = map
## S3
variable "acl" {
description = "The canned ACL to apply."
type = string
variable "force_destroy" {
description = "A boolean that indicates all objects should be deleted from the bucket so that the bucket can be destroyed without error. These objects are not recoverable."
type = string
variable "versioning_enabled" {
description = "Enable versioning. Once you version-enable a bucket, it can never return to an unversioned state."
type = string
## s3 bucket public access block ##
variable "block_public_policy" {
description = "Whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for this bucket."
type = string
variable "block_public_acls" {
description = "Whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket."
type = string
variable "ignore_public_acls" {
description = "Whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for this bucket."
type = string
variable "restrict_public_buckets" {
description = "Whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for this bucket."
type = string
## DynamoDB
variable "read_capacity" {
description = "The number of read units for this table."
type = string
variable "write_capacity" {
description = "The number of write units for this table."
type = string
variable "hash_key" {
description = "The attribute to use as the hash (partition) key."
type = string
variable "attribute_name" {}
variable "attribute_type" {}
variable "sse_enabled" {
description = "Encryption at rest using an AWS managed Customer Master Key. If enabled is false then server-side encryption is set to AWS owned CMK (shown as DEFAULT in the AWS console). If enabled is true then server-side encryption is set to AWS managed CMK (shown as KMS in the AWS console). ."
type = string
Finally supply input variable values in composition/terraform-remote-backend/ap-northeast-1/prod/terraform.tfvars:
# Environment setting
region = "ap-northeast-1"
role_name = "Admin"
profile_name = "aws-demo"
env = "prod"
application_name = "terraform-eks-demo-infra"
app_name = "terraform-eks-demo-infra"
## Terraform State S3 Bucket
acl = "private"
force_destroy = false
versioning_enabled = true
## s3 bucket public access block ##
block_public_policy = true
block_public_acls = true
ignore_public_acls = true
restrict_public_buckets = true
## DynamoDB
read_capacity = 5
write_capacity = 5
hash_key = "LockID"
sse_enabled = true # enable server side encryption
attribute_name = "LockID"
attribute_type = "S"
Then run terraform commands
cd composition/terraform-remote-backend/ap-northeast-1/prod
# will use local backend because no S3 bucket is created yet to store tfstate file
terraform init
# usual stuff
terraform plan
terraform apply
$ terraform output
# Successful output
dynamodb_terraform_state_lock_arn = "arn:aws:dynamodb:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxx:table/dynamo-apne1-terraform-eks-demo-infra-prod-terraform-state-lock"
dynamodb_terraform_state_lock_id = "dynamo-apne1-terraform-eks-demo-infra-prod-terraform-state-lock"
s3_kms_terraform_backend_alias_arn = "arn:aws:kms:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxx:alias/cmk-apne1-prod-s3-terraform-backend"
s3_kms_terraform_backend_arn = "arn:aws:kms:ap-northeast-1:xxxxxx:key/4b6db186-df19-4402-adfd-fc0dfdc592bc"
s3_kms_terraform_backend_id = "4b6db186-df19-4402-adfd-fc0dfdc592bc"
s3_terraform_remote_backend_arn = "arn:aws:s3:::s3-apne1-terraform-eks-demo-infra-prod-terraform-backend-90"
s3_terraform_remote_backend_id = "s3-apne1-terraform-eks-demo-infra-prod-terraform-backend-90"
Since the states of the AWS resources (S3, DynamoDB, KMS key) just got created are stored in a local terraform.tfstate
file, you can choose to manually upload it on S3 bucket.