Control the Enttec DMX USB Pro with Python3
This package solely depends on pyserial
. You can install a recent release on
pip install DMXEnttecPro
or by getting the repository from GitHub and doing something along the lines of:
git clone
cd DMXEnttecPro
pip install .
Getting Started
If you don't know the serial address of the DMX controller yet, you can do the following to identify it:
python -m DMXEnttecPro.utils
which will give you some detailed information on all COM ports like this:
name: None
description: USB Serial Port (COM4)
hwid: USB VID:PID=0403:6001 SER=EN055555A
vid: 1027
pid: 24577
serial_number: EN055555A
location: None
manufacturer: FTDI
product: None
interface: None
Once you know your serial address, setting up a connection to your Enttec DMX USB Pro is simple:
from DMXEnttecPro import Controller
#dmx = Controller('COM4') # Typical of Windows
dmx = Controller('/dev/ttyUSB0') # Typical of Linux
Then you can set channel values easily (DMX Channels are 1-indexed, and
maintains that convention for you.) with:
dmx.set_channel(1, 255) # Sets DMX channel 1 to max 255
dmx.submit() # Sends the update to the controller
In some environments where you may not be assured of the precise string of your
COM port, I recommend using a uniquely identifying mark like the serial number
or product ID. Some helpers exist in DMXEnttecPro.utils
from DMXEnttecPro import Controller
from DMXEnttecPro.utils import get_port_by_serial_number, get_port_by_product_id
my_port = get_port_by_serial_number('EN055555A')
my_port = get_port_by_product_id(24577)
dmx = Controller(my_port)
You may supply auto_submit=True
to instantiation of Controller
to tell it
to automatically submit changes on any action changing channel values:
dmx = Controller('/dev/ttyUSB0', auto_submit=True)
The argument submit_after=<bool>
can be provided to any action changing
channel values and it will take precedence over the configured auto_submit
value of the Controller
DMX Size Configuration
The size of the DMX universe defaults to 512 channels. There are apparently
occasions where finer timescales can be achieved in DMX by constraining this.
may be supplied to instantiation of Controller
dmx = Controller('/dev/ttyUSB0', dmx_size=256) # use only 256 channels
DMX Timing Control
can be used to adjust the packet timing for DMX.
The most likely to be used feature is to change the output rate of packets.
The device supports integer rates from 1 to 40Hz
dmx = Controller('dev/ttyUSB0')
dmx.set_dmx_parameters(output_rate=1) # Output at 1Hz
or sending as fast as possible where the rate will be directly linked to the size of the DMX channels being submitted.
dmx = Controller('dev/ttyUSB0', dmx_size=512) # 44Hz max rate
dmx = Controller('dev/ttyUSB0', dmx_size=32) # 646Hz max rate
The relation to rate and DMX channels is given by 1,000,000 / (140 + (44 * UNIVERSE_SIZE))
DMXEnttecPro evolved from my re-write of pysimpledmx for compatibility with Python3.
pyenttec is another good package.
So far I have only utilized features with which I am personally familiar and have wanted. Please submit any issues or feature requests along with usage needs and I would be happy to evaluate them.