
A curated list of zkVM, zero-knowledge virtual machine

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awesome zkVm

A curated list of zkVM, zero-knowledge virtual machine.

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Contributions and suggestions are always welcome; open issues or pull requests with any changes you want to be made.




Maintained by @piapark_eth and @alexanderlhicks. Some details may be outdated; feel free to open an issue or PR. For discussions on fair tracking methods, see the open issues.

  • ISA (Instruction Set Architecture): The fundamental “language” of the VM, defining all its basic operations and how they interact with data.
  • Continuations (Sharding): A technique to break oversized computations — too big for a single run — into smaller parts that can be processed in parallel, paused, and resumed later.
  • Precompiles (Built-ins, Chiplets, Syscalls): Specialized, pre-built functions for complex tasks (like cryptography) that boost efficiency and reduce proof overhead.
  • Proving Frontend: A user-friendly language for writing provable programs, which then get compiled down into the VM’s supported ISA for zero-knowledge execution.
  • GPU: Indicates if proving on GPU is supported (based on publicly exposed Metal/CUDA code)
zkVM ISA Continuations &
Parallel Proving
Precompiles GPU Proving Frontend
cairo Cairo 🔴 🟢 Cairo
ceno RISC-V 🔴 🔴 Rust
eigen zkvm RISC-V 🟢 🟢 Rust
jolt RISC-V 🔴 🔴 Rust
miden MASM(Miden Assembly) 🔴 🟢 🟢 Rust, Wasm
mozak vm RISC-V 🔴 🔴 Rust
nexus RISC-V 🟢 🟢 Rust
o1vm MIPS 🔴 🔴 Go
olavm Ola Assembly 🔴 🟢 Ola Assembly
powdrVM RISC-V 🟢 🟢 Rust, Powdr, PIL
risc0 RISC-V 🟢 🟢 🟢 Rust
sp1 RISC-V 🟢 🟢 🟢 Rust
sphinx RISC-V 🟢 🟢 Rust
triton vm Triton Assembly 🔴 🔴 Triton Assembly
valida Valida 🔴 🔴 Rust, C
zisk RISC-V 🔴 🔴 PIL
zkm MIPS 🟢 🟢 Rust, Go
zkWasm Wasm 🟢 🟢 C, C++, rust, etc (wasm compilable)







Risc Zero




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