
Fields and utilities to work with regular expression in Django

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Regex

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Fields and utilities to work with regular expression in Django

The Django regex field provides custom fields and utilities for a Django model that stores a regex. This provides the ability to easily store regex patterns and access them as compiled regular expressions from your models.

Patterns can be expressed in perl syntax to set regex flags.



Django fields to store regular expressions

class DemoModel(models.Model):
    regex = RegexField(flags=re.I)

o = DemoModel.objects.create(regex='^1$')


As RegexField but allows to set compilation flags (see: https://docs.python.org/2/howto/regex.html#compilation-flags) It is rendered with proper widget

from django_regex.validators import compress
import re

class DemoModel(models.Model):
    regex = RegexFlagsField()

o = DemoModel.objects.create(regex=compress(['aa', re.I]))

o = DemoModel.objects.create(regex=compress(['aa', 'i'])) # use human shortcuts

RegexFlagsField stores pattern and flags in the same db column as string in the format <regex.pattern><separator><regex.flags>

separator is chr(0) can be customized using settings DJANGO_REGEX_SEPARATOR or per each field using flags_separator argument.

from django_regex.validators import compress
import re

class DemoModel(models.Model):
    regex = RegexFlagsField(flags_separator='/')

o = DemoModel.objects.create(regex='aa/i')


list that matches content against valid regular expressions

rules = RegexList(['\d*'])
1 in rules  # True
'1' in rules  # True
'a' in rules  # False


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Development dev-build dev-cov  
Project home page: https://github.com/saxix/django-regex
Issue tracker: https://github.com/saxix/django-regex/issues?sort
Download: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-regex/