Summary: GraphWorks is a graph theory visualization tool, created by Gary Haggard, Dan Medani, and the rest of the students in the 2010 Graph Theory course at Bucknell University. The goal is to give students studying discrete structures / graph theory a visual aid into some of the essential algorithms of graph theory. It was presented as a poster at the SOFTVIS 2010 Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Software Visualization. ******************* For Developers: To Compile: >jar cmf mainClass GraphWorks.jar * To Run: Double click GraphWorks.jar p.s. Apologies for the messy directory structure! ******************* Credits: Team Lead: Dr. Gary Haggard Developers: Dan Medani Chris Bassett Peter Koch Nikolas Lampert Tim Medlock Steven Pierce Ryan Smith Andrew Yehl A special thanks to Bucknell University!
Graph works - a pilot graph theory visualization tool. Developed by Bucknell's Gary Haggard's graph theory course students in 2009-2010.