
Waxpeer module that makes it easy to sell your items via p2p system

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Waxpeer API wrapper for Node.js

Full API documentation here

Trade websocket documentation here

Breaking changes due to Steam API update

Now in order to go online and sell items safely you need to implement the following logic:

  1. Make sure that you have enabled the collection of user data on the website under the "Sell items" tab (by default it is enabled).
  2. Going online now requires a valid Steam access token because the API key functionality has been limited. You need to send it once an hour or immediately after an refresh (the token is active only 24 hours after refreshing in Steam), otherwise it will expire and all your items will be disabled from sale, and active trades will be considered stalled and may be canceled.
  3. We categorically recommend not to make a mobile confirmation for a created trade until you send its trade id using the callback method.
  4. Online may be delayed until the access token is verified or a valid token is received. Therefore, please note that in the trade socket there is a new user_change event, in which can_p2p indicates whether you are online or not when it is changed by p2p controller.
  5. If you do not want to use this package, but will be implementing your own trade socket connection, make sure you specify the source parameter on the authentification event (auth) without which the account will not be able to get online (example: "source": "myAwesomeProject").


$ npm install waxpeer

Initialization with the new requirements

import { Waxpeer, TradeWebsocket, WebsiteWebsocket } from 'waxpeer';

//API wrapper
const WP = new Waxpeer(WAXPEER_API);

const tokenUpd = await WP.UserSteamToken(
    'eyAidHlwIjogIkpXVCIsICJhbGciOiAiRWREU0EiIH0.eyAiaXfsd23123123.2B9wKjf2323-S3i3ctdCg', //your Steam access token, which must be valid for more than an hour (the token is active only 24 hours after refreshing in Steam) and belong to the account from which you are trying to go online.
if (!tokenUpd?.success) //most likely you need to refresh access token and try again with a new token
//Trade websocket
const TS = new TradeWebsocket(STEAM_API, STEAM_ID, TRADELINK, WAX_API, ACCESS_TOKEN); //auto connect after init. At least one of [STEAM_API, WAX_API, ACCESS_TOKEN] is required!
// const TS = new TradeWebsocket(null, STEAM_ID, TRADELINK, WAX_API); //example with waxApi to be able sell from limited account BUT not Rust game
// const TS = new TradeWebsocket(null, STEAM_ID, TRADELINK, null, ACCESS_TOKEN); //example with waxApi to be able sell from limited account BUT not Rust game

TS.disconnectWss(); //disconnect
TS.connectWss(); //connect
TS.on('user_change', ({can_p2p}: TradeWebsocketChangeUser) => { //new online change event
  console.log(can_p2p); //example: true
TS.on('send-trade', (message: TradeWebsocketCreateTradeData) => {
  //you create a trade in steam and have a tradeid from Steam response
  const callback = await WP.steamTrade(tradeid, message.waxid);
  if(!callback?.success) //if the response is not successful (success is false) you need to update your Steam access token and cancel the trade (if it was created) without performing mobile confirmation.
  //if the answer is successful, you can do mobile confirmation

//Website websocket
const WS = new WebsiteWebsocket(WAXPEER_API, ['csgo']); //auto connect after init
WS.disconnectWss(); //disconnect
WS.connectWss(); //connect

Fetch your user data

const user = await WP.getProfile();

Fetch your trades and transactions history

const history = WP.myHistory(0, '2022-11-11', '2022-12-12', 'DESC');

Change your tradelink

let data = await WP.changeTradeLink('https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=900267897&token=P2YkRJOk');

Save new Steam API key

let data = await WP.setMyKeys('11EDA9771EB4A200B579A530009CC000');

Buy items using item_id and send to specific tradelink

const purchase = await WP.buyItemWithId(17441538677, 798500, 'oFvyi0Ma', '378049039');

Buy item by name and send to specific tradelink

const purchase = await WP.buyItemWithName(
  'AK-47 | Redline (Field-Tested)',

Fetch all unique items and their min price and count

const items = await WP.getPrices('csgo');

Fetch all dopplers phases by filters

const items = await WP.getPricesDopplers('any');

Fetch all listings by names

const items = await WP.massInfo(['AK-47 | Redline (Field-Tested)', 'csgo']);

Search available items by name(s)

const items = await WP.searchItems(['AK-47 | Redline (Field-Tested)', 'csgo']);

Checking the status of many steam trades by project_id identifier

const items = await WP.customTradeRequest(['my_id_1', 'my_id_2']);

Checking the status of many steam trades by Waxpeer ids

const items = await WP.tradeRequestStatus(['12345', '23456']);

Fetches available item(s) based on the item_id(s) passed in query

const items = await WP.checkItemAvailability(['17441538677', '17441538678']);

Check tradelink validity

const data = await WP.validateTradeLink('https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=900267897&token=P2YkRJOk');

Get recent purchases by filters

const data = await WP.getHistory('153912146', 'ssR242yo');

Fetch trades that need to be sent

const data = await WP.readyToTransferP2P('11EDA9771EB4A200B579A530009CC000');

Force p2p status check. Recommended for usage with poor network connections

const data = await WP.checkWssUser('765611983383140000');

Edit price for listed items

const data = await WP.editItems([{ item_id: 1, price: 1 }], 'csgo');

Fetch my inventory

const data = await WP.fetchInventory('csgo');

Get items that you can list for sale

const data = await WP.getMyInventory(0, 'csgo');

Get listed steam items

const data = await WP.myListedItems('csgo');

List steam items from inventory

const data = await WP.listItemsSteam([{ item_id: 1, price: 1 }], 'csgo');

Remove item(s) by item id(s)

const data = await WP.removeItems([1, 2, 3, 4]);

Remove all listings

const data = await WP.removeAll('csgo');

Buy order trigger history

const data = await WP.buyOrderHistory(0, 'csgo');

Active buy orders. Sorted by price DESC, if a filter by name is specified

const data = await WP.buyOrders(0, 'AK-47 | Redline (Field-Tested)', '1', 'csgo');

Create a buy order to auto purchase items. Currently independent of the p2p status of the user

const data = await WP.createBuyOrder('AK-47 | Redline (Field-Tested)', 5, 15000, 'csgo');

Edit buy order

const data = await WP.editBuyOrder(123, 5, 1000);

Remove buy order(s)

const data = await WP.removeBuyOrder([1, 2, 3]);

Remove all buy orders by filters

const data = await WP.removeAllOrders('csgo');

Fetches items based on the game you pass as a query

const data = await WP.getItemsList(0, null, 'knife', 'DESC');

Fetches recommended item price and other info

const data = await WP.getSteamItems(730);

Merchant. Check if user is in system

const data = await WP.getMerchantUser('76561198000000000', 'my_merchant');

Merchant. Insert a user into a system

const data = await WP.postMerchantUser(

Merchant. Fetch user inventory

const data = await WP.MerchantInventoryUpdate('76561198000000000', 'my_merchant');

Merchant. Get items that you can list for the user

const data = await WP.MerchantInventory('76561198000000000', 'my_merchant', 730);

Merchant. List steam items from inventory

const data = await WP.MerchantListItemsSteam('my_merchant', '76561198000000000', [{ item_id: 1, price: 1 }]);

Merchant. Returns history of deposits

const data = await WP.MerchantDepositsHistory(

Trade websocket events that you need to implement

TS.on('send-trade', (message: TradeWebsocketCreateTradeData) => {
TS.on('cancelTrade', (message: TradeWebsocketCancelTradeData) => {
TS.on('accept_withdraw', (message: TradeWebsocketAcceptWithdrawData) => {
TS.on('user_change', ({ can_p2p }: TradeWebsocketChangeUser) => {
  console.log(can_p2p); //example: true

Website websocket events

//manual sub events [csgo,rust,tf2,dota2]
WS.on('new', (message: IInventoryEmit) => {
  console.log(message); //waxpeer new item event
WS.on('update', (message: IInventoryEmit) => {
  console.log(message); //waxpeer item removed event
WS.on('removed', (message: IInventoryEmit) => {
  console.log(message); //waxpeer item removed event

//auto sub after auth
WS.on('change_user', (message: ChangeUserEvent) => {
  if (message.name === 'wallet') console.log(message); // user change event
WS.on('steamTrade', (message: SteamTrade) => {
  console.log(message); //waxpeer trade event

API error handling

try {
  let user = await WP.getProfile();
} catch (e) {
  let timeout = axios.isCancel(e) ? true : false;
  let response = e?.response?.data;
  let status_code = e?.response?.status;
  console.log({ timeout, status_code, response }); //{ timeout: false, status_code: 403, response: { success: false, msg: 'wrong api' } }