Primary LanguageJavaScript

myMEDI (Medical records in Blockchain)

A Highly Secure Medical Records Storage Based on Blockchain. The records can be created or viewed only with the consent access by the patient

The problem myMEDI solves 1)Privacy 2)Faster retrieval of data in emergency 3)Accurate data 4)No data's are under Any other third party except the patient itself 5)Helps in solving the life insurance cases faster 6)Any patient can give his/her medicals records for any medical research

It is a storage where patients can store their records ,access it anytime from anywhere in the world.t would help the emergency staff to quickly diagnose the patients disease or problem. No Tampering of Data: No one can easily tamper the data as the data is stored on the blockchain.

Quick Transactions from Polygon: Polygon provided us with quick transaction speed which boosted the User Experience of our website.

Ownership Record Maintainance: Ownership can be tracked easily as smart contract passes the ownership to the deployer (the patient himself)

Data Storage problem of Blockchain: Blockchain can't be used for storing media files for media assets in an efficient manner, so we used IPFS for digital assets.

Try running some of the following tasks: enter your own private key in hardhat.config.js file

npm install
npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
node scripts/deploy.js
node scripts/deploy2.js
npx hardhat help