
Just a ReadME containing a list of websites for devs


Just a ReadME containing a list of websites for devs

Extension to give daily dev news: https://daily.dev/

Cheat Sheets of every language/framework/library: https://devhints.io/ || https://overapi.com

Algorithms and implementation in different languages: https://the-algorithms.com/

Different documentation for different languages and frameworks: https://devdocs.io/

ReadME editor: https://readme.so/

Practice competitve coding with 3 difficulties: https://www.hackerrank.com/

Debug and Generate Meta tags: https://metatags.io/

View your website on different responsive devices: https://responsively.app/

View and edit different Typography with css generating: https://type-scale.com/

Utils and Functionalities online to help you with your project: https://smalldev.tools/

CSS3 Generator: https://css3generator.com/

CSS Animation Generator: https://waitanimate.wstone.uk/

Beautiful online code editor that allows you to share the code: https://carbon.now.sh/

Website to learn anything about any topic: https://learn-anything.xyz/

Website to create a logo for free: https://namelix.com/

Website to created free video animated tutorials: https://www.animate-code.com/