
Twitter bot to provide broader perspective (Server)

Primary LanguagePython



Our Natural Language Processing pipeline performs entity and topic extraction from tweets to search for news articles from reliable sources and discover Wikipedia articles. We combine this information with sentiment analysis signals for the tweet as well as the news articles to select articles which have a different perspective from the tweet. It is properly and seamlessly integrated into the Twitter UI.



  • First clone the repository https://github.com/sayak119/KnowMore-Server

  • Obtain the required credentials for the Twitter API, News API and Google Cloud Natural Language API.

  • Then execute the following command

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 server.py


For Client (Chrome extension) visit Know More Client.

Flow Diagram

Flow Diagram


Green is for agreeing with the article, yellow for neutral and red is for diagreeing with the article.

UI Mockup


How it looks

YouTube video

Demo Video