
Shell Script for interacting with BrowserStack

Primary LanguageShell

Selenium script

  • First, run the following command-

    sudo chmod +x combine-ip-parallel-try.sh
  • Then, enter your BrowserStack Username and Key on line number 20 and 21 respectively.

  • For running locally, use the following command after running the chromedriver-

  • For running a single session in BorwserStack, run the following command-

    ./combine-ip-parallel-try.sh --browserstack
  • For running a single session in BrowserStack along with getting the IP and RTT, run the following command-

    ./combine-ip-parallel-try.sh --browserstack --ip-check
  • For running multiple sessions in parallel, run the following command-

    ./combine-ip-parallel-try.sh --browserstack --ip-check --parallel