Verilog Using qFlow tools

A Simple Half_Adder Ckt code in Verilog


module Half_Adder(Sum,Carry,X,Y);
    input X,Y;
    output Sum,Carry;
    xor G1(Sum,X,Y);
    and G2(Carry,X,Y);


`timescale 1ns/1ns
module Half_Adder_Test();
    reg X,Y;
    wire Sum,Carry;
    Half_Adder HF (Sum,Carry,X,Y);
    initial begin
        $monitor("%d %d -> %d %d",X,Y,Carry,Sum);
        #0 X = 0; Y = 0;
        #2 X = 0; Y = 0;
        #2 X = 0; Y = 1;
        #2 X = 1; Y = 0;
        #2 X = 1; Y = 1;
        #5 $finish;

Compiling and Testing and Dumping Test Results

$ iverilog -o Half_Adder Half_Adder.v Half_Adder_test.v
$ vvp Half_Adder

VCD info: dumpfile output.vcd opened for output.
0 0 -> 0 0
0 1 -> 0 1
1 0 -> 0 1
1 1 -> 1 0

Simulating Output using GTKWave Tool

$ ls
Half_Adder  Half_Adder_test.v  Half_Adder.v  output.vcd
$ gtkwave output.vcd &

Screenshot from 2022-01-27 08-17-04