
My Website. Based on the minimalist Jekyll template Indigo by @sergiokopplin.

Primary LanguageHTML

My Personal Website. Here! Build Status

This is a repository for my personal website. This will also hold my blog migrated from sayakbiswas.wordpress.com. This site is based on the brilliantly minimalist Indigo theme by Kopplin


Changes from Base Theme

  1. Changes to font families and font sizes throughout.
  2. Added some CSS classes for blog posts.


  1. Clone repo.
  2. Install Jekyll, NodeJS and Bundler.
  3. bundle install
  4. bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config-dev.yml
  5. Site can be viewed at http://localhost:4000

Changes and Deployment

  1. Switch to gh-pages branch using git checkout gh-pages.
  2. Make changes and preview using commands described in the earlier section.
  3. Commit and push to origin/gh-pages.
  4. Switch to master using git checkout master.
  5. Merge from gh-pages using git merge gh-pages.
  6. Push to origin/master.


MIT License © Sérgio Kopplin