- Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course
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- Awesome MLOps Detailed Resources
- Why and How to create requirements.txt
- Need of Data Structures and Algorithms for Deep Learning and Machine Learning
- Python for Data Structures, Algorithms, and Interviews! Udemy Course
- Algorithms and Data Structures in Python (INTERVIEW Q&A)
- Tensorboard detailed tutorial
- Tensorboard by Siraj
- How to visualize convolutional features in 40 lines of code
- Guide to real-time visualisation of massive 3D point clouds in Python
- Ploty 3D visualization tool for python
- Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping - Grad-CAM
- WeightsBiases Channel
- Guide to implement playlist
- Advanced Deep Learning Playlists
- Explore/Exploit: Hyperparameter Tuning with W&B Sweeps by Stacey Svetlichnaya
- Pipeline Versioning with W&B Artifacts
CVonline: Image Databases COmputer Vision Dataset Fashion Image Object Detection Dataset and Project(due project)
- Deep Learning tools and Extensive Guide, Study
- Deep Learning Architectures Paper Explained
- Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville - Deep Learning (2017, MIT).pdf
- Deep Learning Computer Vision IIT Madras NPTEL Playlist
- Graph CNN Resources
- Machine learning with Graphs Highly recommened for GNN/GCN
- Use GCN lectues of that DL series for implementation
- What's the hardware spec for Google Colaboratory?
- Random Forest
- CS 329S: Machine Learning Systems Design
- Deep learning doesn’t need to be a black box
- Comprehensive Introduction to Autoencoders
- An Overview of Deep Learning Based Clustering Techniques
- The 5 Clustering Algorithms Data Scientists Need to Know
- Python Data Science Cheatsheet
- ML models Compression and Quantization
- Pandas Cheatsheet
- Pytorch Lighting Masterclass
- [Hyper-parameter optimization algorithms: a short review](https://medium.com/criteo-engineering/hyper-parameter-optimization-algorithms-2fe447525903#:~:text=BOHB%20(Bayesian%20Optimization%20and%20HyperBand,Hyperband%20algorithm%20and%20Bayesian%20optimization.&text=It%20uses%20Hyperband%20to%20determine,estimator%20with%20no%20tree%20structure)
- Comparing Modern Scalable Hyperparameter Tuning Methods
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- Loss Functions - EXPLAINED!
- Why do we need Cross Entropy Loss? (Visualized)
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- Maximum-likelihood understanding
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- CS229: Machine Learning - The Summer Edition!
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- AliGhodsi Lec 12, Metric Learning
- 8.5 David Thompson (Part 5): Metric Learning
- The Why and the How of Deep Metric Learning.
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- OpenCV cpp video tutorial
- OpenCV Python for Beginners - Full Course in 10 Hours - Learn Computer Vision with OpenCV
- Deep Learning using C++
- CUDA Programming masterclass udemy
- Computer Vision by using C++ and OpenCV with GPU support
- CppCon 2017: Peter Goldsborough “A Tour of Deep Learning With C++”
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- Deep Learning with C++ - Peter Goldsborough - Meeting C++ 2017 implement GAN
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- CNN Cheatsheet
- 7 Types of Classification Algorithms
- 5 Papers on CNNs Every Data Scientist Should Read
- Siraj Raval CNN evolution guide
- Must Study About The CNN Visualization
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- EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection
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- Implementing Grad-CAM in PyTorch
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- Interpretability in Deep Learning CNN
- keras-gradcam
- Why do most CNN models not apply the cross-validation technique?
- Classification models Zoo - Keras (and TensorFlow Keras) all standard model implementations
- EfficientNet Keras Implementation
- Everything you need to know about MobileNetV3 and its
- Residual Attention for image classification
- Residual Attention Network Github Implementation
- A Basic Introduction to Depthwise Separable Convolutions
- Understanding Semantic Segmentation with UNET
- Keras Applictions of Available Models for Transfer Learning
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- Neural Network Playground
- Spatial Dropout
- 2-Dimensional Nyquist Sampling Theory
- [ICML19 Talk] Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again (06/2019)
- 05 Imperial's Deep learning course: Equivariance and Invariance
- Semi-supervised Image Classification With Unlabeled Data
CNN Intuitions refereneces
- What do filters of Convolution Neural Network learn?
- Understanding the Role of Individual Units in a Deep Neural Network
- Receptive fields and Effective receptive fields
- Receptive Field Intuition
- Depthwise Separable Convolution - A FASTER CONVOLUTION!
- Introduction to Different types of Convolutions
- Dilated Convolution
- Transposed Convolution
- Upsampling and Transposed Convolution
- Interpretable Convolutional Neural Network
- Review: Tompson CVPR’15 — Spatial Dropout (Human Pose Estimation)
- Evolution of Object Detection Guide
- Evolution of Object Detection Guide Playlist
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 8: Localization and Detection
- YOLOV4 advanced paper study
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- YOLOv4 series for implementation
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- YOLOv4 Best Blog post to explain YOLOv4
- YOLOV4 Reading Notes
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- PANet: Path Aggregation Network In YOLOv4
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- ADD TO QUEUE Inside TensorFlow: TF Model Optimization Toolkit (Quantization and Pruning)
- Deep Dive on PyTorch Quantization - Chris Gottbrath
- Pruning Deep Learning Models for Success in Production
- Advanced Machine Learning with Neural Networks 2021 - Class 8 - Quantization and pruning
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- A Guide For Time Series Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTMs)
- DeepAnT: A Deep Learning Approach for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Time Series
- A Long Short-Term Memory Ensemble Approach for Improving the Outcome Prediction in Intensive Care Unit
- Time Series Anomaly Detection Algorithms
- The Promise of Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting
- Deep Learning Time Series Forecasting
- BERT Research Series
- Live Session- Encoder Decoder,Attention Models, Transformers, Bert Part 1
- Live- Attention Models, Transformers In depth Intuition Deep Learning- Part 2
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- Time series GAN
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- Coursera MLops Fundamentals course
- Continuous Deployment from git using Cloud Build
- Mobile Deep Learning with TFlite, ML kit and Flutter, Use this for TFlite model conversion
- MIT Deep Learning 2020 projects
- Generation of music pieces using machine learning: long short-term memory neural networks approach
- Vision in Art and Neuroscience Fall 2021
- Simple, Powerful, and Fast— RegNet Architecture from Facebook AI
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- implicit learning
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- New deep learning models require fewer neurons research from MIT for autonomous car
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- Graph Neural Network paper
- Multichannel autocalibration for the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly using machine learning
- Advancing the state of the art in computer vision with self-supervised Transformers and 10x more efficient training
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