
College related

Primary LanguageC

Program Description - [C] - 1.c - Prints all 3 digit Armstrong numbers. Note - If a^3 + b^3 + c^3 = abc (where 3 is the number of digits of the number 'abc') then abc is an Armstrong number. 2.c - Calculates v=u+ft when any one of the parameters is missing while the rest are given. 3.c - Convert a decimal number to it's binary equivalent. 4.c - Find out the factorial of a number. 5.c - Print the fibonacci series (using function). 6.c - Print the fibonacci series. 7.c - Print the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of 2 numbers (using function). 8.c - Print the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of 2 numbers 9.c - Find out the highest & lowest marks in an integer array of n marks. 10.c - Find the largest & 2nd largest number in an integer array. 11.c - Add 2 matrices. 12.c - Multiply 2 matrices. 13.c - Count the number of digits in a number. 14.c - Print all 3 digit Peterson numbers. Note - If a! + b! + c! = abc then abc is a Peterson number. ! = factorial of a number. 15.c - Print all prime numbers between 1 & n. Note - A number is a prime number if it is only divisible by 1 & itself. 16.c - Checks whether a number entered is a prime number. The number must be >0. 17.c - Prints the sum of digits in a number. 31.c - Program to create and display a circular linked list.

C/Lab Assignments - [Semester 3 - Assignment 1] - (1) 18.c - Insert an element at a given location in an array. (2) 19.c - Delete an element from a given location in an array.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 2] - (1) 23.c - Write a program in C to search an element in an array using Linear search algorithm. (2) 24.c - Write a program in C to search an element in an array using Binary search algorithm.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 3] - (1) 20.c - Program to implement Stack using arrays. (2) 21.c - Program to implement Stack using structures.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 4] - (1) 25.c - Write a program in C to perform queue implementation using array. (2) 26.c - Write a program in C to perform queue implementation using structure. (3) 22.c - Write a program in C to perform circular queue implementation using array.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 5] - (1) 28.c - Program to create and display a single list list. (2) 29.c - Program to create a linked list & insert data items to it, at first, last or any position.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 6] - (1) 30.c - Program to reverse a linked list.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 7] - (1) 32.c - Program to demonstrate bubble sort on an integer array. (2) 33.c - Program to demonstrate selection sort on an integer array. (3) 34.c - Program to demonstrate insertion sort on an integer array.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 8] - (1) 35.c - Program to demonstrate merge sort on an integer array.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 9] - (1) 36.c - Program to demonstrate quick sort on an integer array. (2) 37.c - Program to demonstrate heap sort on an integer array.

[Semester 3 - Assignment 10] - (1) 27.c - Write a program to perform create, inorder, preorder and postorder operations on a Binary Search Tree.

[Semester 4 - Assignment *] - (1) 38.c - Implement Binary search using Divide & Conquer technique. (2) 39.c - Implement Binary search using Divide & Conquer method. (3) 40.c - Fractional Knapsack problem. (4) 41.c - 0-1 Knapsack problem. (5) 42.c - 0-1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming. (6) 43.c - Find out the minimum and maximum element using Divide & Conquer algorithm. (7) 44.c - Program on Matrix Chain Multiplication. (8) 45.c - Prims algorithm to find Minimum Spanning Tree. (9) 46.cpp - 8-Queen problem using Backtracking method. (10) 47.cpp - Program to implement Travelling Salesman Problem. (11) 48.c - Program to implement Depth First Search (DFS). (12) 49.c - Program to implement Floyd Warshall algorithm in C. (13) 50.c - Program to implement BFS (Breadth First Search) in C. (14) 51.c - Program to implement Djikstra's algorithm. (15) 52.c - Program to implement mColouring optimisation problem.

[Semester 5 - Assignment 7] - 53.c - Create a child process using fork() function.

[Semester 6 - Assignment 1] - 53.txt - Message queue creation 53.1.c - Create a message queue with message get (msgget()) function & IPC_CREAT. Also show the perror function that generates an error when the message queue creation fails. 53.2.c - IPC queue creation with file permissions. 53.3.c - IPC message queue creation with flag IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCEL.

[Semester 6 - Assignment 2] - 54.txt - Sending & Receiving messages. 54.1-2.c - Write a program to send a text message from a terminal to another terminal via IPC message queue. Hint: Create a message queue using msgget() function, send & receive using msgsnd(), msgrcv(). 54.1.c - Receive message 54.2.c - Send message

[Semester 6 - Assignment 3] - 55.1-2.c - Write a program to send foud successive messages from the sender. The reciver will accept those messages and print them after another as an output string. Receiver will not reply for those messages. 55.1.c - Sender 55.2.c - Receiver

[Semester 6 - Assignment 4] - 56.1.c - Creation of a one-way pipe in a single process. 56.2.c - Creation of a one-way pipe in two processes. 56.3.c - Creation of a two way pipe between two processes. 56.4.c - Write a program to create a 2 way pipe between 2 processes, and check if it is an armstrong number or not.

[Semester 6 - Assignment 5] - 57.1-2.c - Write a program for IPC through FIFO between client and server and find the vowels and consonants from an input sentence and display total number of vowels and consonants in the sentence. 57.1.c - Client 57.2.c - Server

[Semester 6 - Assignment 6 ] - null [Semester 6 - Assignment 7] - 58.1-2.c - Write a program to design Berkeley sockets for interprocess communication between client and server across the network. 58.1.c - Client 58.2.c - Server

[Semester 6 - Assignment 8] - 59.1-2.c - Design a TCP iterative client and server application to reverse the given input sentence. 59.1.c - Client 59.2.c - Server

[Semester 6 - Assignment 9] - 60.1-2.c - Write a program to implement stop and wait protocol in data link layer. 60.1.c - Stop Wait Receiver 60.2.c - Stop Wait Sender

[Semester 6 - Assignment 10] - 61.1-2.c - Write a program to implement Go Back N Protocol in the data link layer. 61.1.c - Go Back N Receiver 61.2.c - Go Back N Sender


1-Personal Profile - A personal profile page. a. index.html - The homepage. b. bgwallpaper.jpg - The background wallpaper. c. contactme.html - The 'Contact Me' page. d. self.jpg - A picture of myself. e. style.css. f. techrant.html - The 'Tech Rant' page. 2-TicTacToe - An emulation of the TicTacToe game. a. index.html - The main page. b. tic.css. c. tic.js. 3.html Checks whether 2 entered passwords are the same. 4.html - Checks whether the number entered is even.

[Semester 6 - Assignment 1] 5-Q1 - Design a HTML page that describes your profile in 1 paragraph. Design it in such a way that it has a heading, a horizontal rule, 3 links and your photo. Also, write 3 documents for the links. 6-Q2 - Create 3 HTML files: intro.html, chapter1.html,chapter2.html. For each of the latter 2 files, create 2 sections, 1 & 2. Create a table of contents page with 5 hyperlinks that loads a different chapter or section in the browser when the hyperlinks are clicked. Clicking on introduction would load the file intro.html and clicking on chapter 1.1 would load the file Chapter1#Section 1, etc. 7-Q3 - Using HTML, create a thumbnails page containing a series of 3 grpahics each 100x100pixels in size. They should be arranged long a diagonal line. Create a page containing 2 frames. The left frame contains the thumbnail page. When the thumbnail graphics are clicked, each should be displayed in the right frams as a large image along with some textual description. 8.html - Using HTML draw 3 tables with border value 2. The first table will be a simple table. The second table will contain a column that spans upto 5 rows. The third table will contain a row that spans upto 3 columns. Create the last 2 tables using the table's ROWSPAN and COLSPAN properties. 9.html - Using the FORM tag of HTML, create a registration form containing the below mentioned fields: a. First Name (using text box) b. Last Name (using text box) c. E-Mail ID (using text box) d. Gender (using radio button) e. Hobbies (using check boxes) f. Submit & Reset button

[Semester 6 - Assignment 2] 10.html-Q1 - Take marks obtained by student as input from the user. Depending on the marks print the grade of the student. If marks is <10 or >100, show an alert "Invalid Entry!". 11.html-Q2 - In your browser, there will be a textbox to enter your name. There will be a submit button. If the name field is empty, then on submit this will give an alert that the name field is empty. If the name is more than 10 characters long, it will give an alert to enter your name properly. Else it will display your name in capital, Times font, 20 size, bold and in red color. 12.html-Q3 - In your browser, there will be 3 fields Name, Age and E-mail ID. The name must not be greater than 10 characters, age must a value between 5 to 100, and E-mail must contain '@' and '.com', otherwise it will generate an error message at the time of submitting the data. If all the data is correct, it will give an alert with 'Thank You'. 13.html-Q4 - Display a clock on your webpage. 14.html-Q5 - Using HTML and JavaScript, create a page that contains a simple calculator.

[Semester 6 - Assignment 3] 15-Q1 - Using CSS modify your personal information web page by including following features:

Yellow background you’re Name in the table-inserted top. Make the background of the present address data field of the table sky-blue. Same for permanent address field. Use your photo with border where border style is dashed, border width is 2 pixel and border color is blue. Define some font style, color, size at the beginning of the style sheet. And use them when necessary. Declare Contextual Selector for border 5px ridge red and use it where necessary. Apply Absolute positioning, relative positioning where necessary.

[Semester 6 - Assignment 4] - [Java/JSP] [Semester 6 - Assignment 5] - [Java/Servlet]

[Java] 1.java - Print 'Hello World'. 2.java - Calculate the area & perimeter of a circle. 3.java - Calculate the sum of 2 numbers. 4.java - Find the average of 4 decimel numbers. 5.java - Find the hypotenuse of a triangle. 6.java - Print the substring of a string. Here, the last 10 characters of the string are printed. 7.java - Check if a given number is a prime number or not. 8.java - Print all numbers between 18 and 100 that are divisible by 17. 9.java - Print all factors of a number. 10.java - Print all prime numbers between 100 and 200. 11.java - Print sum of two numbers, input will be given by the user. Use BufferedReader. 12.java - Take your name as input from the user, use BufferedReader. 13.java - Check if a number is a perfect number or not. If n = Sum of factors of n, then 'n' is a perfect number. Eg. 28=1+2+4+7+14. 14.java - Check if a number is a number is an armstrong number or not. (check 1.c for info) 15.java - Write a program that includes two data members, the length and width of a room. Display the area of the room. 16.java - Define a class 'item' that includes data members item number, code, price of the item. Write a method that initialises these data members and display the values. 17.java - Define a class which includes Name, class, marks of students. Write a program that displays name, roll and average marks of the student. 18.java - (Using Inheritence & Constructor) Find the area & volume of two rooms. 19.java - Define a class 'Shape' that initialises it's data members - length & width. Another class 'Rectangle' is derived from the super class 'Shape'. Write a program to display the area and perimeter of two 'rectangle' objects. //Not Done - Doubt 20.java - Define a class 'Triangle' with data members 'base' and 'height'. Write a program to display the area of the triangle using 'method overloading'. 21.java - Program to demonstrate method overriding. //Not done - Doubt 23.java - Write a program to find the volume and surface area of a box. Use functions with return types to calculate the volume & surface area. Also use argument constructor. Given - a. Volume = (HWD) and b. Surface Area = 2*(WH+HD+W*D). 25.java - Write a program which simply prints "wonder of objects", without using any print statement, complete methods or dot operator. 27.java - Write a program to demonstrate 'Dynamic Method Dispatch'. 28.java - Write a program on 'Interface'. 29.java - Define an interface. This interface implements two classes, rectangle and circle. Calculate the area of rectangle and circle. 30.java - Write a program that illustrates variable hiding. Class 'S' declares an instance variable 's' of integer type. Class 'T' declares an instance variable 'x' of String type, extending class 'S'. Instantiate both of these classes. Initialise and display the variable named 'x' with these objects. 31.java - Write the following program - Class 'S1' - declares an instance variable named 's1' of type integer. Class 'T1' - extends class 'S1' and declares an instance variable named 't1' of type integer. Class 'U1' - extends class 'T1' and declares an instance variable named 'u1' of type integer. These variables are initialised by the constructor for the class. The constructor displays a string, to indicate that it has started execution. 32.java - Program to demonstrate 'Dynamic Method Dispatch'. 33.java - Program to demonstrate an abstract class. 34.java - Define an abstract class 'Shape' and abstract method 'PrintArea'. Class 'Rectangle','Triangle' and 'Circle' are extended by shape. Write a Java program to display the area of rectangle, triangle and circle. 36.java - Write a program with class 'Doctor' containing name and qualification of doctor, and another class 'Patient' with 2 field names, name and disease. Extend both the classes to 'Department' which contains department number and department name. An interface named as 'Hospital' contains two fields - Name of hospital and address. Using above classes and interface, get appropriate information and display it. 37.java - Write a program with class 'Teacher' containing two fields 'Name' and 'Qualification'. Extend the class to Department, which contains 'Department Number' and 'Department Name'. Define an interface named 'College' that contains 1 field, 'Name of the college'. Using the above classes and interface, get the appropriate information and display it. 38.java - Write a program where 4 types of exception, ie arithmetic exception, array index out of bounds exception, string index out of bounds exception, null pointer exception, using different cache blocks that handles the exception and ensures the program does not terminate, using 'finally' block. 39.java - Interface K1 declares method R and a variable R that is initialised by 1. Interface K2 extends K1 and declares R. Interface K3 extends K2 and declares R. R is of void type in all interfaces. Class 'U' implements Interface K3. If version of method 'R' displays the value of R, then instantiate 'U' and invoke the method.

Java/Lab Assignments [Semester 3]

[Assignment 1] - (1) 40.java - Write a program to initialise a 4 element double array. Calculate the average of the elements. (2) 41.java - Write a program to initialise a 3x2 matrix. Calculate and display the average of each row and column and also the grand average. (3) 42.java - Write a program to compute the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle whose sides are 4.5 and 8.9 units long (use Math.sqrt()) function. (4) 43.java - Write a program to display the substring from the last 10 characters of a string. Use length() function. (5) 44.java - A string contains 5 numbers separated by commas (,). Write a program that displays the last number. (6) 45.java - Write a program that counts the number of digits and letters in a string and displays the values. Use isLetter() and isDigit() functions. (7) 46.java - Write a program that determines whether a number is prime or not. (8) 47.java - Write a program that prints the numbers between 17 and 100 which are divisible by 17. (9) 48.java - Write a program that uses a while loop to count the number of vowels in a string. (10) 49.java - Write a program to display all factors of a number entered by the user.

[Assignment 2] (1) 22.java - Write a program that declares a class name 'sphere'. It should have instance variables to record it's radius and coordinates (x,y,z) of it's centre. All instance variables should be of double data type. Use the 'new' operator to create the sphere object set and display it's instance variables. Use a. Default constructor & b. Argument constructor for the following program. (2) 24.java - Continuing from program (No. 1), add two methods, findArea() and findVolume(). Display the surface area and the volume of sphere using argument constructor. (3) 58.java - Add two instance methods to class sphere (continuing from No. 1). The first name is move(). This takes three double parameters that are new values for the coordinates of the centre. The second is scale(). This takes one double parameter that is used to scale the radius. Demonstrate these two methods. (4) 26.java - Write a program that has an overloaded method.The 1st method should accept no argument and display "Welcome to JAVA" 1 time. The 2nd method should accept a string and display "Welcome to Polymorphism" 2 times. The 3rd method should accept a string and an integer and display "Welcome to Overloading" 3 times. (5) 50.java - Write a program that creates 10 rock objects and saves them in an array. Randomly select a mass between 1 and 10kg for each rock as it is created. After all rocks have been created, display their individual mass and the total mass of all rocks. (6) 51.java - Write an application that accepts one command line argument and displays it's Spanish equivalent. For example, the tokens 'UNO','dos','tres','quarto' and 'cinco' are the Spanish tokens for the numbers one though five. Create a class with static method to accomplish this task.

[Assignment 3] (1) 52.java - Write an application that illustrates variable hiding. Class S declares an instance variable X of integer type (ie it is a subset of S). Extend S by class T and declare an instance variable named X of string type. Instantiate borh of these classes. Initialise and display the variable named X with these objects. (2) 53.java - Write an application that illustrates how a method can invoke a Superclass method. Class I2 is extended by J2. Class J2 is extended by K2. Each of these classes defines a method getDescription() that returns a string which includes a description of the class plus the description of each Superclass. Instantiate each of the classes and invoke getDescription() method. (3) 54.java - Write an application. Class S1 declares an instance variable named s1 of type integer. Class T1 extends S1 and declares an instance variable t1 of type integer. Class U1 extends T1 and declares an instance variable u1 of type integer. These variables are initialised by the constructor for that class. Each constructor also displays a string to indicate that it has started execution. (4) 55.java - The class Jetplane declares an abstract method named numEngines(). There are two concrete subclasses named DC8 and DC10, each of which provides a different implementation of the numEngines() method. The main class instantiates each of these classes and invokes numEngine() method. Also declare a constructor in the abstract class Jetplane. This constructor variable to be inherited by the subclasses DC8 and DC10 (using super keyword) to represent seating capacity of the plane. (5) 57.java - The abstract Bird class has four subclasses Pelicans, BrownBooby, LittleBittern, Shikra. Write an application that demonstrates how to establish this class hierarchy. Define an argument constructor of super class Bird that has one String variable, which describes the list of the Bird as "This is a list of the bird species recorded in India. The avifuna of India includes around 1301 species, of which 42 are endemic, 1 has been introduced by humans, and 26 are rare or accidental." to be displayed by inheriting from one of it's subclass. Declare one instance variable of type String that indicates the shape of each subclass of Bird. Create and display instances of these objects. Override toString() method of object to return a string with the description of a Bird and it's food. #Homework (6) 56.java - The abstract class Airplane has three subclasses, B747,B757,B767. Each airplane type can transport a different number of passengers, each airplane object has an unique serial number. Write an application that declares this class hierarchy. Instantiate several types of airplanes and display them. Override toString() method of the objects to return a string with the type, serial number and capacity.

[Assignment 4] (1) 59.java - Abstract class Weight has four concrete subclass named WeightA, WeightB, WeightC, WeightD, the mass of them is 4,1.5,1.4,7 respectively. Each weight object has String that identifies it's colour. Create 6 objects and store them in a one dimensional array & display it's entities & total mass. (2) 60.java - The abstract class Fruit has four subclasses apple, orange, strawberry, banana. Write the following application that demonstrates how to establish this class hierarchy. Declare one instance variable of type String that indicates the colour of fruit. Create & display instances of these objects. Override the toString() method of object to return a string with the name of the fruit & it's colour. (3) 35.java - Write an application and interface name 'Shape2D' that declares getArea() method that calculates and returns the area of an enclosed 2D shape. Interface 'Shape3D' declares getVolume() method that calculates and returns the volume of an enclosed 3D shape. The abstract class 'Shape' declares an abstract method Display(), and is extended by class Circle and Sphere. Abstract class 'Shape' implements both 'Shape2D' and 'Shape3D' interface. The shape instantiates each of these classes. (4) 61.java - Write a program with a class Teacher containing two fields Name and Qualification. Extend the class to Department, which contains Dept. No. and Dept. Name. An interface is named as College, which contains the field Name of the College. Using the above classes and interface get the appropriate information and display it. (5) 62.java - Interface AntiLockBreakers, CriuseControl and PowerSteering declare optional functionality for an automobile. Each interace declares one method that has the same name as it's interface. The abstract Auto class is extended by Model1, Model2, Model3 classes. Power steering is available for Model1 objects. Antilock breakers and Criuse Control are available for Model2 objects. Criuse Control is available for Model3 objects. Instantiate each of these classes and excercise it's methods.

[Assignment 5] (1) 63.java - Declare interface I1 and I2. Interface I3 extends both of these Interfaces. Also declare Interface I4. Class X implements I3. Class W extends X and implements I4. Create an object of class W. Use the instanceof operator to test if that object implements each of the Interfaces and is of type X. (2) 64.java - Interface LuminousObject declares lightOff() and lightOn() methods. Class SolidObject is extended by Cone and Cube and implements LuminousObject. Class LuminousCone extends Cone and implements LuminousObject. Class LuminousCube extends Cube and implements LuminousObject. Instantiate the LuminousCone and LuminousCube classes. Use interface reference to those objects. Invoke the methods of LuminousObject interface via the interface reference. (3) 65.java - Interface JointEntrance declares seatExam() and getAdmission() methods.Class ScienceGroup, which implements JointEntrance, is extended by class Medical and Engineering. Class PureScience extends Engineering and implements JointEntrance. Instantiate the BioScience and PureScience classes. Use interface reference to refer to those objects. Invoke the methods of the JointEntrance interface through the interface reference. (4) 66.java - Write a program where four types of exception ie Arithmetic exception, ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, StringOutOfBounds, Null pointer using different catch block to handle that exception and ensure that the program is not terminated using final block concept.

[Java/Servlet] [Theory] 1.java, 1.html - Add 2 numbers, print the sum. 2.java, 2.html - Demonstating GET method & Request Dispatcher. 3.java, 3.html - Demonstrating POST method. 4.java, 4.html - Demonstrating Send Redirect. 5.1.java, 5.2.java, 5.html - HTTP Session Demonstration. 6.1.java, 6.2.java, 6.html - HTTP Cookie Demonstration. 9.java - Login 10.java - Logout 11.java - LoginDAO

[Semester 6 - Assignment 5] 7-Q1 - Write a program to display 'Hello, World!' on the screen. 8-Q2 - Write a program to create an employee registration form and display all the entered information on the screen (HTML > Servlet).

[Java/JSP] 1.jsp, 1.html - Tags in JSP. 2.jsp - Basic syntax of JSP. 3.jsp - Declaring a variable & printing it's value. 4.1.jsp, 4.2.jsp - Print the system date & time, and include a JSP file within another file. 8.jsp - Welcome page. 9.jsp - Login page 10.jsp - Display a video on the webpage. 11.jsp - Login using JDBC 12.jsp,12.html - Insert data into Database table.

[Semester 6 - Assignment 4] 5.html, 5.jsp-Q1 - Write a program to evaluate the factorial of a number.

Design an HTML page where the user types the number n and clicks the button 'Find Factorial'. The client (browser) validetes the data 'n'. The client sends a request to the server. The request takes n to the server and asks for the factorial of n. The server receives the number 'n', evaluates the factorial of n and sends the result to the browser. 6.html, 6.jsp-Q2 - Write a program to find a phone number. Design an HTML page where the user types the name of a person and clicks the button "Find Number". The client sends a request to the server. The request takes the name of the person to the server and asks for the phone number of the person, from the server. The server receives the name of the person, finds the phone number and sends the result to the browser. 7.html, 7.jsp-Q3 - Write a pgoram to check username & password. Design an HTML page where the user types in his username & password. The client (browser) validates the username & password. The client sends a request to the server. The server receives the username & password, checks it with somepredefined username & password and sends the result to the browser.

Python/Lab Assignments -

[Semester 4] [Assignment 1] - (1) 1.py - Write a program to check if a number is even or not. (2) 2.py - Write a program to convert Celcius to Fahrenheit. (3) 3.py - Write a program to find the area of a triangle whose sides are given. [Assignment 2] - (1) 4.py - Write a program to find out the average of a set of real numbers. (2) 5.py - Write a program to find the product of a set of real numbers. (3) 6.py - Write a program to find the circumference and area of a circle with a given radius. (4) 7.py - Write a program to check whether a given integer is a multiple of 5. (5) 8.py - Write a program to check whether a given integer is a multiple of both 5 & 7. (6) 9.py - Write a program to find the average of 10 numbers using while loop. (7) 10.py - Write a program to display the given number in reverse. [Assignment 3] - (1) 11.py - Write a program to find the Geometric Mean of n numbers. (2) 12.py - Write a program to find the sum of digits of an integer using while loop. (3) 13.py - Write a program to display all the multiples of 3 in the range of 10 to 50. (4) 14.py - Write a program to display all integers within the range of 100-200 whose sum of digits is an even number. (5) 15.py - Write a program to check whether a given integer is a prime number or not. (6) 16.py - Write a program to generate prime numbers from 1 to N. (7) 17.py - Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. [Assignment 4] - (1) 18.py - Write a program to print numbers from a given number n to 0 using recursion. (2) 19.py - Write a program to find the factorial of a number using recursion. (3) 20.py - Write a program to display the sum of n numbers using a list. (4) 21.py - Write a program to implement Linear Search. (5) 22.py - Write a program to implement Binary Search. (6) 23.py - Write a program to find the odd numbers in an array. [Assignment 5] - (1) 24.py - Write a program to find the largest number in a list without using built-in functions. (2) 25.py - Write a program to insert a number in any position in a list. (3) 26.py - Write a program to delete an element from a list by it's index. (4) 27.py - Write a program to check whether a string is palindrome or not. (5) 28.py - Write a program to implement Matrix Addition. (6) 29.py - Write a program to implement Matrix Multiplication. (7) 30.py - Write a program to check whether a year is a leap year or not. (8) 31.py - Write a program to find the nth term in a Fibonacci series using recursion. (9) 32.py - Write a program to print Fibonacci series using recursion. (10) 33.py - Write a program to implement a calculator to do basic operations. [Assignment 6] - [Sets] (1) 34.py - Write a program to add a list of elements to a set. (2) 35.py - Write a program to return a new set of identical items from two sets. (3) 36.py - Write a program to get only unique items from two sets. (4) 37.py - Write a program to update the first set with items that don't exist in the second set. (5) 38.py - Write a program to remove items from the set at once. (6) 39.py - Write a program to return a set of elements present in Set A or B, but not both. (7) 40.py - Write a program to check if two sets have any elements in common. If yes, display the common elements. (8) 41.py - Write a program to update set1 by adding items from set2, except common items. (9) 42.py - Write a program to remove items from set1 that are not common to both set1 and set2.

[Tuple] (10) 43.py - Write a program to reverse the tuple. (11) 44.py - Write a program to Access value '20' from the tuple. (12) 45.py - Write a program to create a tuple with a single item, '50'. (13) 46.py - Write a program to unpack the tuple into 4 variables. (14) 47.py - Write a program to swap two tuples in Python. (15) 48.py - Write a program to copy specific elements from one tuple to a new tuple. (16) 49.py - Write a program to modify the tuple. (17) 50.py - Write a program to sort the tuple of tuples by the 2nd item. (18) 51.py - Write a program to count the number of occurrences of item 50 from a tuple. (19) 52.py - Write a program to check if all items in the tuple are the same.

[Dictionary] (20) 53.py & 54.py (2 solutions) - Write a program to convert two lists into a dictionary. (21) 55.py - Write a program to merge two Python dictionaries into one. (22) 56.py - Write a program to print the value of key 'history' from the below dict. (23) 57.py - Write a program to delete a list of keys from a dictionary. (24) 58.py - Write a program to check if a value exists in a dictionary. (25) 59.py - Write a program to rename key of a dictionary. (26) 60.py - Write a program to get the key of a minimum value from the following dictionary. (27) 61.py - Write a program to change value of a key in a nested dictionary. (28) 62.py - Create a dictionary using Student Name with Total marks. Find the name of the student who gets the highest marks. (29) 63.py - Create a dictionary using Emp Name with their net salary. Find the average salary of employees. Also, find all employee names who get more than this average salary. [Assignment 7] - (1) 64.py - Write a program to demonstrate the module 'datetime' & 'time'. (2) 65.py - Write a program to demonstrate the module 'numpy'. (3) 66.py - Write a program to demonstrate the module 'Pandas'. (4) 67.py - Write a program to demonstrate the module 'SciPy'. (5) 68.py - Write a program to demonstrate the module 'Matplotlib'. [Assignment 8] - (1) 69.py - Create a class and object using Python. (2) 70.py - Create a class and object with method. (3) 71.py - Program on Inheritance. (4) 72.py - Program to use class and objects to calculate total marks obtained by a student. (5) 73.py - Program to demonstrate method overriding. (6) 74.py - Program to demonstrate how a private attribute works.

[PHP]-VAC [Assignment 1]: 1.php - Print your name, college name and department. 2.php – Using a PHP variable. 3.php - Print your college name, Branch, and Batch. 4.php - Code on Arithmetic operators. 5.php - Code on Assignment operators. 6.php - Code on Comparison operators. 7.php - Code on Logical operators.

[Assignment 2]: 8.php - Code to demonstrate string data type. 9.php - Code to demonstrate integer data type. 10.php - Code to demonstrate float data type. 11.php - Code to demonstrate boolean data type. 12.php - Code to demonstrate array data type. 13.php - Code to demonstrate object data type (create a class and objects). 14.php - Code to demonstrate null data type. 15.php - Code to demonstrate if statement. 16.php - Code to demonstrate if-else statement. 17.php - Code to demonstrate if-esif-else statement. 18.php - Code to demonstrate switch statement.

[Assignment 3]: 19.php - Code to demonstrate while loop. 20.php - Code to demonstrate do-while loop. 21.php - Code to demonstrate for loop. 22.php - Code to demonstrate foreach loop. 23.php - Code to take input from the user & print it.

[Assignment 4]: 24.php - Code to demonstrate break statement. 25.php - Code to demonstrate continue statement. 26.php - Code to print the sequence: 1 4 7 10 27.php - Code to print the sequence: 100 98 96 94 28.php - Code to print the sequence: 1 8 27 64 29.php - Code to print the pattern: * **

30.php - Code to print the pattern:

** *

31.php - Code to print the pattern: a a a a a a a a a * a a a * * a a * * * a * * * *

32.php - Code to swap between 2 numbers without using [] brackets. 33.php - Code to print factorial of a number. 34.php - Code to print the fibonacci series. 35.php - Code to print the pattern: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

36.php - Code to print the pattern: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

37.php - Code to print the pattern: 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 5 4 5

38.php - Code to print the pattern: 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1

39.php - Code to print the pattern: 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

40.php - Code to print the pattern: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

41.php - Code to print the pattern: A B B C C C D D D D E E E E E

[Assignment 5]: Code to demonstrate the following string functions: 42.php - StrtoUpper($str) 43.php - StrtoLower($str) 44.php - ucfirst($str) 45.php - lcfirst($str) 46.php - ucwords($str) 47.php - strlen($str) 48.php - strrev($str) 49.php - strreplace($w1,$w1,$str) 50.php - strcmp($str1,$str2) 51.php - strpos($str,$word)

Code to demonstrate the following math functions: 52.php - pi(),sqrt(num),round(num),rand(num),min(num1,num2,num3,etc),max(num1,num2,num3,etc) 53.php - is_nan(var) 54.php - is_infinite()

55.php - Print the pattern: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 56.php - Create an indexed array. 57.php - Demonstrating the count() function. 58.php - Create an indexed array, print it's elements. 59.php - Create an associative array. 60.php - Create a multidimensional (2D) array, print it's elements without using for loop. 61.php - Create a multidimensional (2D) array, print it's elements using for loop. 62.php - Use Super Global variables in PHP.

[Shell] [Assignment 1]: No programs. [Assignment 2]: No programs. [Assignment 3]: 1.sh - Print 'Haldia'. 2.sh - Define a variable 'x' with value 15 and print it on the screen. 3.sh - Print the sum of 2 numbers. 4.sh - Print the sum of 2 numbers using 'expr' command. 5.sh - Print the sum of two numbers using 'bc'. 6.sh - Print the multiplication of two numbers using 'expr'. 7.sh - Print the sum of two numbers using 'let' command. 8.sh - Print the sum of three numbers. 9.sh - Use decimal numbers in a shell script. 10.sh - Define built-in shell variables. 11.sh - Print your name. The name should be taken at runtime from the keyboard. [Assignment 4]: 12.sh - Find the greatest of 2 numbers using if statement. 13.sh - Find the greatest of 3 numbers using while statement. 14.sh - Concatenate 2 strings using if statement. 15.sh - Compare 2 strings using if statement. 16.sh - Find if a given number is even or odd, using if statement. 17.sh - Find if a given number is a leap year or not, using if statement. 18.sh - Take the marks obtained by a student in five subjects as input, through the keyword 'student', using the following tools: i. 60 division ii. 50-59 division iii.40-49 division using if statement. 19.sh - Perform arithmetic operations using case statement. 20.sh - Use case statement print Monday to Sunday. 21.sh - List files, processes, users logged in, using case statement. [Assignment 5]: 22.sh - Find the factorial of a number. 23.sh - Print 1-10 using while loop. 24.sh - Print 1-10 using until loop. 25.sh - Check whether a number is prime or not. 26.sh - Generate Fibonacci series. 27.sh - Check whether a number is an armstrong number or not. 28.sh - Print the sum of n natural numbers. 29.sh - Input a number from the user and find the reverse using for loop. 30.sh - Input a number from the user and check it it is Palindrome or not. 31.sh - Print the sum of 10 natural numbers. 32.sh - Print array elements from user input. 33.sh - Sort the array in ascending order. 34.sh - Sort the array in ascending order using Bubble Sort. 35.sh - Calculate factorial of n, using functions. 36.sh - Add 2 numbers in subscripts, pass them as argument. 37.sh - Search an element in a 1-D array using functions. [error] 38.sh - Print the following patterns: * **

39.sh -

** * 40.sh - *

41.sh - 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 42.sh - 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 43.sh - 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

[SQL] [Semester 6] [Assignment 1] - 1.txt - Database / Table creation and manipulation:

Create a new table. Display the schema of the table. Insert values into the table. Delete rows from the table. Delete the entire table.
