
:bell: door bell that will buzz on press and send a mobile notification with IFTTT

Primary LanguageArduino

🛎 belle

Door bell with a buzzer and notification to IFTTT.


  1. Open hardware with KiCad
  2. Buy Bill of Materials

Getting started

Flash the firmware

  1. Ensure the batteries are not connected yet!

  2. Short the 2 header pins on P4 for boot mode

  3. Connect an FTDI chip to P3

  4. Connect the other end of the FTDI chip to the laptop via USB

  5. Open Arduino IDE with the following configuration

  6. Flash the final firmware to the board

  7. Remove the FTDI chip and the remove the shorted header pins of P4


  1. Configure IFTTT with Webhooks and Notification channels to Receive a web request

  2. Put the event name as bell_pressed

  3. Download the IFTTT app on mobile as well

  4. Note the IFTTT key on the maker_webhooks settings page

Connect your door bell

  1. Connect 3 AA batteries

  2. Ensure the blue on-board LED is blinking fast

  3. Connect your actual door bell to P2 connectors

  4. Mount it up on the wall

  5. Connect to WiFi access point with SSID Belle XXXX and password beautyandthebeast on mobile / laptop

  6. Visit page http://belle.local

  7. Fill in SSID, Password and IFTTT Key

  8. Wait for the LED to stop blinking

  9. Press the 🛎

  10. You should hear the buzzer and get a mobile IFTTT notification as well 🎉

References 📚

Power savings

  1. Power Saving tips for the ESP8266
  2. SparkFun 3.3V Step-Up Breakout - NCP1402
  3. Sleeping the ESP8266
  4. Reddit: How to actually run an ESP8266 for months on AA batteries
  5. Battery Powered ESP8266 IoT – Temperature Sensor
  6. ESP8266 Sensor runs 17 days on a coin cell
  7. wifiwebservers - ESP8266 with 2AA batteries
  8. Simple Authentication
  9. Debouncing circuit


  1. Programming ESP12
  2. Troubleshooting flashing
  3. NodeMCU modes

Tools 📻

  1. simple calculator for estimating a (LiPo) battery's life
  2. Encode to Base64 format
  3. Electronics circuit simulator
  4. Circuit calculator

Credits 🙏

⭐ Big thanks to Chinmay, Adnan, Kenneth, Shan, Baoshi for prototyping, feedback, verifications and soldering ⭐