
This project alarms the driver if he/she falls asleep and the project also detects detects the road sign boards and reads it out to the driver.

Primary LanguagePython

Driver Sleeping Detection with Computer Vision

Short Description

This project alarms the driver if he/she falls asleep and the project also detects detects the road sign boards and reads it out to the driver.

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Demo Video Link:

Link - https://youtu.be/awdxGOr4rbc


This project is subject to change by the developer and is still in development

To test this out

Testing this is as simple as it gets. Follow this steps:

  1. Clone this project.
  2. Open your terminal (NOTE: git bash preferred/ Terminal on VS Code)
  3. Type the following command in the terminal
    python3 Driver\ Fatigue\ Detection.py (For Mac or Linux users)
    python Driver\ Fatigue\ Detection.py (For Windows)
  4. With the help of the webcam, a window will open and the detection will start.

Pull Request

Pull Requests are welcome. Please follow these rules for the ease of understanding:

  • Make sure to check for available issues before raising one
  • Give me a maximum of 24-48 hours to respond
  • Have proper documentation on the parts you are changing/adding
  • Do not change some whitespaces or not give invalid information.

Developed & Maintained by

👨 Sayan Nath
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