
A virtual candy store example with FastAPI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Backend With FastAPI - Virtual Candy Store

Repo Setup

  1. Fork the Repo, so that you can write your code in your own repo.
  2. Clone the Repo to your local machine.
  3. You need two terminals open, one for running the backend and the other for running the frontend.
  4. cd frontend and run npm install to install the dependencies.
  5. cd backend and run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.
  6. Run frontend using npm start and backend using fastapi dev main.py in the respective terminals.
  7. You can now start writing your code.

Tasks For the day


  • Understand HTTP and REST APIs
  • Create a GET API hello world API
  • Create a GET API that takes your name as input and returns hello <name>

Candy Store

  • Open a text editor and list down all the features you would have in a virtual candy store
  • Designing the data model
  • Designing the APIs
  • Creating data structures
  • Creating the APIs



Final Code
