
A set of utilities to help in prototyping boardgames

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This software is a Cli tools that uses a specific JSON format to read data and produce cards or counters. It can even use counters files to produce cards using the content of the counters.


Settings are common for card teamplates, counter templates, single counters and single cards:

"width": (px)

When used with a template, it defines the max width for the entire template (regardless of the number of counters or cards). So if defined a 1200 px and a 100px per side counter, you'll get 12 counters per row.

"height": (px)

When used with a template, it defines the max height for the entire template (regardless of the number of counters or cards). So, if you define a 800px height and your cards are 400px height, then you'll get 2 columns per page.

"margins": (px)

"font_height": (px)

"font_path": (string)

If you want to use a custom font, define the path to load it here.

"font_color": (string)

You can use a hexadecimal format or a string format like "red", "blue".

"font_color": "red" "font_color": "#0F0"
{ "texts": [{"string": "font_color", "font_color": "red"}] },
{ "texts": [{"string": "font_color", "font_color": "#0F0"}] },

"background_image": (string)

You can use it in conjunction with the background color.

"background_color": (string)

You can use a hexadecimal format or a string format like "red", "blue".

"background_color": "white" "background_color": "#4682B4"
      "background_color": "white",
      "texts": [
        {"string": "background_color", "font_height": 40, "avoid_clipping": true}
      "background_color": "#4682B4",
      "texts": [
        {"string": "background_color", "font_height": 40, "avoid_clipping": true}

"shadow": (px)

If not zero, it will project a shadow to the bottom-right part.

"shadow": 0 "shadow": 5 "shadow": 10
{"texts": [{"string": "shadow", "shadow": 0}]},
{"texts": [{"string": "shadow", "shadow": 3}]},
{"texts": [{"string": "shadow", "shadow": 10}]},

"rotation": (degrees)

(numeric, degrees): If you need to rotate the image for whatever reason

{"texts": [{"string": "rotation", "rotation": 45}]},

  • "border_width": (px) (Only cards) Define a border width for the card.

"border_color": (px)

(Only cards) Define the color of the border.

"x_shift": (px)

Displace the image in the x axis (left or right).

"x_shift": 0 "x_shift": 70
    {"texts": [{"string": "x_shift", "x_shift": 0, "font_height": 60}]},
    {"texts": [{"string": "x_shift", "x_shift": 70, "font_height": 60}]},

"y_shift": (px)

Displace the image in the y axis (up or down).

"y_shift": 0 "y_shift": 70
    {"texts": [{"string": "y_shift", "y_shift": 0, "font_height": 60}]},
    {"texts": [{"string": "y_shift", "y_shift": -70, "font_height": 60}]},

multiplier: (numeric)

On cards or counters, define the number of "clones".

stroke_width: (px)

On fonts, it defines the stroke width.

"stroke_width": -1 "stroke_width": 5 "stroke_width": 10
    {"texts": [{"string": "stroke_width", "stroke_width": -1, "font_height": 50}]},
    {"texts": [{"string": "stroke_width", "stroke_width": 5, "font_height": 50}]},
    {"texts": [{"string": "stroke_width", "stroke_width": 15, "font_height": 50}]},

"stroke_color": (string)

On fonts, it defines the stroke color.

"stroke_color": "red" "stroke_color": "#00F"
    {"texts": [{"string": "stroke_color", "stroke_color": "red", "font_height": 50}]},
    {"texts": [{"string": "stroke_color", "stroke_color": "blue", "font_height": 50}]},

"alignment": (string)

Helps in aligning the image: use center, right or left.

"image_scaling": (string)

On images, it defines the way to scale it. fitWidth, wrap or fitHeight

"avoid_clipping": (boolean)

On fonts, it helps with some fonts that have too little space. If you see problems in some font when using long texts, try to set this to true to see if it helps.

    {"texts": [{"string": "avoid _ clipping", "avoid_clipping": true, "font_height": 70}]},
  • position (numeric from 0 to 16): A position in the card/counter. Starting in the top-left corner having "Position" 1 and moving clockwise, each side in a counter or card has 5 positions. For example the top border is: 1 left, 2 left-center, 3 center, 4 right-center and 5 right. The same in top down: 5 top (right), 6 top-middle, 7 middle, 8 bottom-middle, 9 bottom.
"position": 13 The 17 possible positions
    {"texts": [
      {"string": "0", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 1, "string": "1", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 2, "string": "2", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 3, "string": "3", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 4, "string": "4", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 5, "string": "5", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 6, "string": "6", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 7, "string": "7", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 8, "string": "8", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 9, "string": "9", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 10, "string": "10", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 11, "string": "11", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 12, "string": "12", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 13, "string": "13", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 14, "string": "14", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 15, "string": "15", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3},
      {"position": 16, "string": "16", "font_height":30, "stroke_width":3}
    {"texts": [{"position": 13, "string": "position", "font_height": 40, "stroke_width":3}]},
  • skip_borders: Borders can be skipped, it is useful sometimes when wanting to know exactly how an entity will look into the counter or card.

  • scaling: (decimal): A scaling factor for the entire counter. All values in settings, font size, margins, stroke widths, etc. will be scaled appropriately. Use this when you have a working template with some values but you need it 1.5 bigger or smaller. Instead of "redrawing" every value and image one by one, just use scaling and let the magic happens. This is useful for example to create you counters ready for printing, but then you can scale them down and make them smaller for Vassal.

Cards template

A card template is used to generate cards using a JSON file. The possible configuration is the following:

  • settings: All the fields defined above.
  • rows (integer): Number of rows of cards/counters.
  • columns (integer): Number of columns of cards/counters.
  • draw_guides (boolean): Helpful guides while development.
  • mode: 2 possible modes: tiles or template. Template will render a single file for every card. Tiles will use the rows and columns to group cards into a single page.
  • output_path (string): The file destination in case of using tiles mode. At the moment, the filename must contain %d somewhere. This is the placeholder for the page number. For example, if you generate 18 cards on 2 sheets of 9 and 9 cards each, you can use this filename mycards_%d.png and it will generate two files: mycards_1.png and mycards_2.png.
  • extra: See below.


  • faction_image:
  • faction_image_scale:
  • back_image:


  • settings: See above.
  • areas: A card is composed of 1 or more areas. Each area is effectively a "counter" and contains all the properties and settings of a single counter.
  • texts: A card, by itself, is also a "counter". In this sense you can also use it to establish some things at the card level. For example, a consistent border line around the entire card.
  • images: Images to use at the card level, mostly useful to establish a background image pattern for the entire card.


Each area behaves like a single counter. For example, a Magic The Gathering card has, essentially, 2 areas: an upper area for the creature / land drawing and a lower area for the text and flavour.

In the following example we can see 3 cards:

  • The first one is a card with a single area, placed at the left of the image with the text "AREA_1" on it.
  • The second is a card with two areas of the same size: This is the card in the middle, with the text "AREA_1" definining the upper area and the text "AREA_2" defining the lower part.
  • A third card is at the right of the image, it has 3 areas: the upper one has a blue background color. Because it is like a counter, it has the text placed in Position 13 of the area (see above for description about the "position" property). A second area named "AREA_2" has been defined with a height of 300 pixels. The third area "AREA_3" takes the remaining space.

The JSON that generated this image is the following:

  "rows": 1,
  "columns": 3,
  "width": 300,
  "height": 500,
  "mode": "tiles",
  "output_path": "docs/cards_%02d.png",
  "border_color": "black",
  "border_width": 1,
  "cards": [
    { "areas": [{ "texts": [{ "string": "area_1" }] }] },
      "areas": [
        { "texts": [{ "string": "area_1" }] },
        { "texts": [{ "string": "area_2" }] }
      "areas": [
          "background_color": "#4682B4",
          "texts": [{ "string": "area_1", "position": 13 }]
        { "height": 300, "texts": [{ "string": "area_2" }] },
        { "texts": [{ "string": "area_3" }] }

Important: The number of items inside the cards array must match the result of multiplying the numbers in rows and columns. In the example above, the array has 3 items which is the result of multiplying 3 columns by 1 row.

  • settings: See above.
  • single_step (bool): When set to true, the back of a counter won't be printed.
  • frame (bool): TODO, no idea.
  • images (list of images):
  • texts: See above.
  • extra: See above.


  • string: The text itself.
  • underline:


  • path:
  • scale:
  • avoid_cropping:



Generate a series of counters using a prototype

In this example we will generate a series of counters using a prototype. The prototype is a JSON file that defines the CounterTemplate. The template must contain a special object: prototypes. Each object in the special object is a prototype. The key is the name of the prototype and the value is a Counter object. The Counter object is the same as the one you can find in counters inside a CounterTemplate. The objects found in the prototype will be generated in the counters array of the CounterTemplate. Use the parameter multiplier on the prototype to generate more than one object in counters. Once executed, it will generate a json file to edit and use more generally.

An example prototype can look like the following:

  "rows": 7,
  "columns": 7,
  "width": 82,
  "height": 82,
  "font_height": 35,
  "margins": 2,
  "font_color": "black",
  "background_color": "#62929E",
  "mode": "template",
  "output_folder": "my-output-folder",
  "draw_guides": false,
  "stroke_width": -1,
  "stroke_color": "black",
  "image_scaling": "fitWidth",
  "index_number_for_filename": 3,
  "font_path": "assets/font-bebas.ttf",
  "counters": [],
  "prototypes": {
    "default": {
      "multiplier": 2,
      "texts": [
          "position": 3,
          "string": "Proto",
          "font_color": "white",
          "font_height": 20,
          "avoid_clipping": true
          "position": 10,
          "string": "3-8",
          "avoid_clipping": true
          "string": "HQ",
          "font_color": "white",
          "stroke_width": 3,
          "font_height": 30,
          "y_shift": -5,
          "position": 7,
          "avoid_clipping": true
      "images": [
          "path": "assets/hd12.png",
          "y_shift": -32,
          "image_scaling": "fitWidth"

An example command to achieve this is the following:

counters json -i my_prototype.json -o my_counters.json --output-type counters

At the output you'll get looks like this:

  "rows": 7,
  "columns": 7,
  "width": 82,
  "height": 82,
  "font_height": 35,
  "margins": 2,
  "font_color": "black",
  "background_color": "#62929E",
  "mode": "template",
  "output_folder": "my-output-folder",
  "draw_guides": false,
  "stroke_width": -1,
  "stroke_color": "black",
  "image_scaling": "fitWidth",
  "index_number_for_filename": 3,
  "font_path": "assets/font-bebas.ttf",
  "counters": [
      "multiplier": 2,
      "texts": [
          "position": 3,
          "string": "Proto",
          "font_color": "white",
          "font_height": 20,
          "avoid_clipping": true
          "position": 10,
          "string": "3-8",
          "avoid_clipping": true
          "string": "HQ",
          "font_color": "white",
          "stroke_width": 3,
          "font_height": 30,
          "y_shift": -5,
          "position": 7,
          "avoid_clipping": true
      "images": [
          "path": "assets/hd12.png",
          "y_shift": -32,
          "image_scaling": "fitWidth"
      "multiplier": 2,
      "texts": [
          "position": 3,
          "string": "Proto",
          "font_color": "white",
          "font_height": 20,
          "avoid_clipping": true
          "position": 10,
          "string": "3-8",
          "avoid_clipping": true
          "string": "HQ",
          "font_color": "white",
          "stroke_width": 3,
          "font_height": 30,
          "y_shift": -5,
          "position": 7,
          "avoid_clipping": true
      "images": [
          "path": "assets/hd12.png",
          "y_shift": -32,
          "image_scaling": "fitWidth"