
A Discord bot to manage the Fun-GIF-orme contest.

Fun-GIF-orme is a timed daily event on discord where GIFs are used to reply to posts in a channel and voted by users using the 🍄 reaction (both configurable in the ini file).

Most votes win!!


Please note that after installing the bot, it must be configured with the correct values for Token and Channel in fungiforme.ini; you can copy and rename the sample fungiforme.ini.example file to have a basic configuration.

Quick Set-up

Clone this repo on target server, create virtualenv, activate and install requirements.


Run the bot as a service

It is recommended to run this bot as a service so as it is always available, to configure the systemd service do the following:

  • Clone the repository in your target directory (i.e. /opt/fungiforme)
  • Create a virtualenv, activate it and install requirements
# cd /opt/fungiforme
# python3 -m venv .venv
# source .venv/bin/activate
# pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a fungiforme service user and group, set the homedir to the directory where you cloned fungiforme (i.e. /opt/fungiforme):
# groupadd fungiforme
# useradd --system --home-dir "/opt/fungiforme" \
--groups fungiforme --shell /bin/false fungiforme
  • Fix permissions on the cloned fungiforme directory:
# chown -R fungiforme: /opt/fungiforme
  • Create a systemd unit file in /etc/systemd/system/fungiforme.service
Description=Discord fungiforme bot service

ExecStart=/opt/fungiforme/.venv/bin/python3 /opt/fungiforme/

  • Enable and start the bot
# systemctl enable fungiforme.service
# systemctl start fungiforme.service