Task Track App

Task Track is a Flutter-based task tracking application that allows users to manage their tasks efficiently. The app integrates Firebase for user authentication and data storage, and uses Flutter Local Notifications for task reminders.


  • User authentication using Firebase Auth (Email/Password).
  • Task management with CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  • Firestore integration for storing tasks.
  • Local notifications for task reminders 10 minutes before the deadline.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Flutter SDK installed on your machine. See Flutter installation guide for instructions.
  • Firebase project set up with Firestore database and Firebase Authentication enabled.
  • IDE (e.g., Android Studio, VS Code) with Flutter and Dart plugins installed.

Getting Started

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/sayedsinan/task-track.git
cd task-track

Install dependencies

flutter pub get

Set up Firebase

  1. Create a Firebase project at Firebase Console.
  2. Add your Flutter app to the Firebase project using your package name (com.example.tasktrack).
  3. Download google-services.json and place it in the android/app directory (for Android) or ios/Runner directory (for iOS).
  4. Enable Firebase Authentication (Email/Password) and Firestore database in the Firebase Console.

Run the app

flutter run

The app should now be running on your device or emulator.


  • Login/Register: Use the authentication screens to log in or register a new account.
  • View Tasks: Once logged in, you can view your tasks, add new tasks, edit existing tasks, and mark tasks as complete.
  • Notifications: The app sends notifications for task reminders based on the task deadlines.


  • If you encounter any issues with dependencies, try running flutter pub get again.
  • Ensure your Firebase project configurations (google-services.json for Android, Info.plist for iOS) are correctly set up.


Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository and submit a pull request for any enhancements or fixes.


Sayedsinan7@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/sinan-jifry-8881aa219/
