The monorepo project 'Home' will contain unit microservices targetting unit purposes e.g api-gateway
for public access, home-service
that acts like a facebook newsfeed, chat-service
for dual or group conversation, auth-service
for user authorization, ...
Used in auth-service for notifying other services about user creation/update/deletion. There are methods named fanout_user_creation, fanout_user_update, fanout_user_deletion but the method itself doesn't know who are its subscribers. When the project is started, message queues are subscribed to the subscription from main program. And the subscriber services just gets notified.
This is not one of the 23 GoF patterns. But this is very useful when we centralize the access to all db tables or collections in our application. A application can have twenty models. But a single 'Provider' class contains all the database models or tables as its properties. So all the database models are centralized inside a single class. We can access any db models by creating an instance of the Provider class.
When creating the Provider class for accessing all db models, there is a chance that multiple instance of the Provider class may get created. So singleton pattern is used to ensure only one instance of the Provider class gets created and accessed by all end-users.
This is also not one of the 23 GoF patterns. But this is extremely handy in reducing the number of duplicate methods accross classes since all classes needs common CRUD methods. A single class acting as the generic repository provides common CRUD methods to all other classes, and any service inheriting from the generic class gets access to all of its methods.
# the central service that client app will communicate with called the api gateway!!
# runs on localhost:4000
# microservice for user authentication & authorization
# runs on localhost:4001
# server dependency: mysql
# microservice for messenger-like chatting
# runs on localhost:4005
# server dependency: mongodb
# microservice for e-commerce or marketplace
# runs on localhost:4004
# server dependency: mysql
# microservice for mailing tasks
# runs on localhost:4003
# server dependency: nodemailer, mailtrap
# microservice for the virtual home where people will gather to share emotions & thoughts..
# runs on localhost:4002
# server dependency: mongodb
You can run each microservice independently by npm start
Each module inside ./modules dir will follow "Onion architecture" which says controller layer shall hold request-response processing, service layer shall hold businesses and repository layer shall hold database queries. This way, one layer will be topped over the other layer like a sandwitch!
│ app.js # App entry point
└─── api # Express route controllers for all the endpoints of the app
└───── routes
└───── middlewares
└─── config # Environment variables and configuration related stuff
└─── jobs # Jobs definitions for agenda.js
└─── loaders # Split the startup process into modules
└─── models # Database models
└─── modules
└───── base
└─────── controller
└─────── service
└─────── repository
└───── <module>
└─────── controller
└─────── service
└─────── repository
└─── subscribers # Event handlers for async task
└─── types # Type declaration files (d.ts) for Typescript
└─── utils
└───── constants
└───── helpers
Register an account:-
POST /auth/register
"name": "Md. Sayeed Rahman",
"email": "",
"password": "123456Aa$"
Login an account:-
POST /auth/login
"email": "",
"password": "123456Aa$"
Get current user:-
GET /auth/current-user
header: Authorization
Update current user:-
PATCH /auth/current-user
header: Authorization
Delete current user:-
DELETE /auth/current-user
header: Authorization
Creates a post:-
POST /home/posts
"message": "this is a new post"
header: Authorization
Updates a post:-
PATCH /home/posts/:id
"message": "this is a updated post"
header: Authorization
Deletes a post:-
DELETE /home/posts/:id
header: Authorization
Gets all posts for admin:-
description: this will get all posts with comment ids only
GET /home/posts
header: Authorization
Gets all posts for user with top 03 comments:-
description: this will get all posts with top 03 comments embedded into it
GET /home/posts/active-posts
header: Authorization
Gets single post (for admin/user not worked on yet):-
GET /home/posts/:id
header: Authorization
Creates a comment:-
POST /home/posts/:post_id/comments
"message": "this is a comment to a post"
header: Authorization
Gets all users for admin:-
GET /chat/users
header: Authorization
Gets current user for user:-
descripton: in microservice arch, every service should have own get current user(), because db different, user model different.
GET /chat/users/current-user
header: Authorization
Sends message to user in dual conversation:-
POST /chat/conversations/dual/:user_id
header: Authorization
"text": "Hi ******"
Gets conversation with user in dual conversation:-
GET /chat/conversations/dual/:user_id
header: Authorization
Gets conversation list of current user:-
GET /chat/conversations/dual/conversation-list
header: Authorization